The Florida Bar

Florida Bar News

Judge uses a race car in Justice Teaching activity

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Judge John Phillips' race car and students.
JUSTICE TEACHING VOLUNTEER Judge John Phillips recently generated great interest in his Justice Teaching sessions at The Royal Palm School when, to the amazement of the students, he roared up in his self-built race car. Co-volunteer Sheri Hazeltine said: “The kids were awestruck. I don’t think they had ever really seen such a car like this before. Needless to say, everyone is looking forward to his next visit.” The Royal Palm School has the largest population of disabled students in Palm Beach County. According to Hazeltine, many of the students are in wheelchairs due to various physical movement limitations. Although at times it can be difficult for them to communicate, these students are intelligent and can understand the Justice Teaching material being presented to them, she said. To learn more about becoming involved in Justice Teaching, visit .

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