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Murray & Guari work to prevent unsafe driving

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“Battle of the Belts” program
STUDENTS AT ROYAL PALM HIGH SCHOOL recently learned about the perils of unsafe driving, including a “Battle of the Belts” program conducted by attorneys Scott Murray and Jason Guari. Students see who can buckle-up the fastest. To start, the team of four runs from a starting line to a four-door car. Team members get in, buckle up, and throw their hands in the air until a referee (Murray & Guari) shouts “Rotate!” Then they unbuckle, get out, rotate clockwise around the car to the next seat, and buckle-up again. They rotate twice more until they have been buckled in all four seats. The team with the fastest time after four “buckle-ups” is the winner. “We need to stress to these students that wearing a seat belt in any seat of the car can save a life,” said Murray. Pictured are Guari, left, Maureen Witkowski of SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions), center, Murray, right, along with student members of SADD.

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