The Florida Bar

Florida Bar News

Appellate Court Rules Committee regular cycle report 2017

Regular News

The Appellate Court Rules Committee (“Committee”) published for comment amendments to 41 rules in the July 1, 2016, edition of The Florida Bar News.

Following comments, the Committee approved additional proposed amendments that revoke some previously published amendments to Rules 9.020, 9.200, and 9.300. The Appellate Court Rules Committee now publishes the amendments reacting to comments received and invites comments on the proposed rule amendments anticipated to be included in the Committee’s regular cycle report. The full text of the proposals can be found on The Florida Bar’s website.

Interested persons should file comments with the Florida Supreme Court after the report has been filed. The regular cycle report will be filed no later than February 1, 2017. Comments should be served electronically to Kristin Norse, Chair of the Appellate Court Rules Committee, at [email protected] and to the Bar staff liaison, Heather Telfer, [email protected].

Vote Explanation
Rule 9.020. 37-2 Proposed, previously published, amendments to renumbered subdivision (h) “Rendition (of an Order)” defining rendition of electronically docketed documents were revoked by the Committee during its October 21, 2016, meeting. Proposed, previously published, amendments to renumbered subdivision (i) “Rendition of an Appellate Order” defining rendition for electronically docketed appellate orders were revoked. Proposed, previously published, committee note was revoked. All other published amendments remain.
Rule 9.170. 38-0 Amends subdivision to refer to the correct subdivision of Rule 9.200 (The Record). All other published amendments remain.
Rule 9.200. 38-0 Proposed, previously published, amendments to subdivision (b) addressing a statement of evidence or proceedings were revoked by the Committee during its October 21, 2016, meeting. Proposed, previously published, committee note was revoked. All other published amendments remain.
Rule 9.300. 38-0 Proposed, previously published, amendments to Rule 9.300(b) were revoked by the Committee during its October 21, 2016, meeting. This rule will not be amended in the regular cycle report.

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