The Florida Bar

July 2022 Meeting Summary

Report from BOG

The Florida Bar Board of Governors met on July 29, 2022, in Palm Beach. Major actions and reports received included:


The Special Committee on Greater Public Access to Legal Services, charged with developing recommendations to improve the delivery of legal services to consumers while assuring lawyers play a proper and prominent role, reported that its work is underway. Committee members are reviewing past access efforts from across the nation, consulting with experts, and reaching out to other bar groups for input and data. Though the committee’s work is still in its early days, potential ideas include:

  • the expanded use of certified legal interns;
  • the use and promotion of prepaid legal services plans;
  • simplifying and standardizing court divisions;
  • acquiring more funding for civil legal aid;
  • intensifying the use of court navigators; and,
  • leveraging technological assets to improve access.


The Program Evaluation Committee (PEC) reported to the Board that it has added a review of the Florida Lawyers Assistance Program to its activities. The PEC is also reviewing the Florida Lawyers Helpline, which assists members with mental health challenges, and they are studying the duration of voting periods for Bar elections, among other work.


Technology Committee reported that it recently updated and posted its Best Practices for Remote Court Proceedings guide and is planning improvements to the MyFloridaBar Members Portal. The committee also plans to work with the Standing Committee on Technology to develop a webinar series and best practices guide to educate Bar members on cybersecurity. Read more in the Bar News.


The Young Lawyers Division laid out their plans for the year, which include a financial wellness webinar series on topics such as student-loan management, trust accounting and retirement planning; and enhancing the Affiliate Outreach Conference with more robust educational sessions.


The board approved adding Trip Planet, Inc., to the Member Benefits Program. The online booking tool for business and leisure travel offers discounted airline, hotels, and other services.


The Board also:

  • Heard a report from the Communications Committee, which continues its work on a toolkit to help Board of Governors members more effectively communicate with their constituents.
  • Approved a proposed amendment to Bar rules that would close the “Antitrust and Trade Regulation Law” certification area due to the lack of new applicants (the area’s remaining board-certified attorneys would remain eligible for recertification).
  • Voted without objection to accept the Code and Rules of Evidence Committee proposal to adopt “Chapter 2022-100, Laws of Florida, to the extent it is procedural” that would permit Florida courts to take judicial notice of information from web-based mapping services, such as Google Earth.
  • Reactivated the Voluntary Bar Groups’ 2020-22 legislative positions as modified for the 2022-24 biennium and voted not to prohibit the advocacy of those positions for that time period, after determining that the legislative positions are within their scope, are not contrary to any of the Bar’s positions, and are not divisive.


President Gary S. Lesser was sworn in as the 2022-23 President of The Florida Bar at the Annual Florida Bar Convention. Watch his installation speech below!