The Florida Bar

May 2020 Meeting Summary

Report from BOG

For the first time in the history of The Florida Bar, the Board of Governors met via Zoom video conference on May 15, 2020. The major actions of the Board and reports received included:

Florida Supreme Court Chief Justice Charles Canady provided a COVID-19 update from the courts. He stated that the phased resumption of jury trials will likely be temporary and regional. Additional recommendations are expected from the Workgroup on the Continuity of Court Operations and Proceedings During and After COVID-19. In addition, the Chief Justice praised Florida’s legal community for the way it has responded to the pandemic. Read more in this Florida Bar News article.

Note: The Florida Supreme Court issued two orders on May 21, 2020, one creating a new pilot program for civil jury trials to be held using remote technology and one on new health and safety measures for the courts. The Bar News has more information here.

Special Committee on Non-Voting Board Appointments Chair and Former President Eugene Pettis reported on the panel’s extensive review of Standing Board Policy 1.20, which allows Bar presidents to invite non-voting members to meetings to ensure diverse representation. The Board’s Rules Committee was directed to review the recommendations and provide a report in June.

In other action, the Board also voted to recommend approval of The Florida Bar’s 2020-2021 budget. The budget is being submitted to the Supreme Court for final approval.

Board members nominated several colleagues to fill three positions on the Board’s Executive Committee and voted by electronic ballot to appoint: Jay Kim, Michael Orr and Paige Greenlee. They also approved the following special appointments: Richard Lawson and Warren Chin for ABA House of Delegates; Michael Alan Sneeringer, Catherine A. Cullen, Matthew Gissen, Mark Alan Journey, and Whitney George to Florida Lawyers Assistance, Inc., Board of Directors; and, Rafael Martinez to Florida Medical Malpractice Joint Underwriting Association.