The Florida Bar

May 2021 Meeting Summary

Report from BOG

The Florida Bar Board of Governors met in person for the first time since January 2020 (with some members attending via Zoom video conference) on May 21, 2021. The major actions of the Board and reports received included:

The board voted unanimously to approve a proposed budget for FY 2021-2022 that continues a 20-year trend of no membership fee increases. The proposed budget provides for $44.2 million in spending and projects an ending general fund balance of $27.5 million. The proposal now goes to the Supreme Court for final approval.

The board heard the final report of the COVID-19 Pandemic Recovery Task Force for 2021, which acted as the Bar’s central clearinghouse for COVID-related information and issues, and the creation of the COVID-19 Information and Resources webpage was vital to their effort. The report may be found here.

The Florida Bar Tech Support Helpline’s three-month “beta test” promoted to solo and small firm practitioners is more than halfway through, and excellent feedback is being received. The proposed member service would provide free non-emergency, remote computer, software, and related technology support to members in good standing.

In other action, the board approved the following. (Visit this Florida Bar News story for additional information on these matters.)

  • A recommendation to find a law firm’s TV advertising slogan was generally permissible.
  • A proposal to amend Bar rules to slightly ease some advertising restrictions, including eliminating the need for some disclaimers when using reenactments, and the need to review advertisements merely because they feature social media icons.
  • Updates to the bylaws of the International Law, Health Law, and Public Interest Law sections.

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