The Florida Bar

October 2020 Meeting Summary

Report from BOG

The Florida Bar Board of Governors met via Zoom video conference on October 23, 2020. The  included:

The COVID-19 Pandemic Recovery Task Force and the Board of Governors Technology Committee reported on the status of projects focused on helping members, including:

  • Creating a new webpage;
  • Adding financial services information to the member benefits program;
  • Exploring strategies for handling a projected 990,000-case court backlog; and
  • Promoting a Supreme Court remote civil jury pilot program.

The Board heard a  on the upcoming organizational session scheduled for Nov. 17. The 2021 Regular Legislative Session is slated for March 2 to April 30, 2021. The fall interim committee meeting schedule is expected to be announced in December. The top priority for the Bar will be advocating for adequate court funding. For more information on legislative activities, including Bar and section positions, please visit .

A new “Special Committee on the Examination of the Process and Procedures for Judicial Referrals of Discipline Matters to The Florida Bar” was approved to examine related rules and to determine the most effective and efficient processing of these complaints. Work will conclude by June 2021.

Four new member benefits were approved:

  • Faster Law Suite is a suite of apps for Clio law practice management that includes document management, email management, and time tracking.
  • Fresh Meal Plan is a meal plan delivery service that delivers fresh prepared meals straight from their kitchen right to the customer’s door.
  • The Waking Up meditation app provides daily exercises, a meditation timer, and pleasant, inspirational images correlating to the guided meditations and lessons offered.
  • The Bankers Healthcare Group (BHG) suite of financial services products offering commercial and consumer loans, credit cards, and SBA loan products.

These benefits will be added to the more than  — financial services, travel accommodations, shipping, practice management resources and legal research — already offered to Florida Bar members.

The Board will appoint Bar members to four organizations at the December board meeting.

  • Judicial Qualifications Commission (1 lawyer for 6-year term beginning January 1, 2021)
  • Florida Realtor-Attorney Joint Committee (5 lawyers, one from each appellate district; 2-year terms beginning January 1, 2021)
  • Florida Rural Legal Services Board of Directors (1 lawyer for 3-year term beginning January 1, 2021)
  • Eleventh Circuit Judicial Conference (Southern District) (1 lawyer for 4-year term beginning January 1, 2021)