The Florida Bar

Board Program Evaluation Committee

The Program Evaluation Committee provides the Board of Governors with guidelines and standards by which bar programs are reviewed or evaluated; in-depth evaluations of selected bar programs; recommendations relating to proposed new or expanded programs; review of programs for resource and budgetary appropriations; The Florida Bar’s program descriptions; and coordination with the Strategic Planning Committee and the Budget Committee.

The Director of Planning and Evaluation prepares in-depth evaluation reports on those programs selected by the committee for detailed study; the committee reviews the reports and recommendations and submits a report to the board. Program descriptions for all bar programs are developed by the Director of Planning and Evaluation and reviewed by the committee to determine the agenda for programs to be evaluated. The Program Evaluation Committee works closely with the Budget Committee in reviewing and evaluating programs. Proponents of new programs are required to submit a detailed program proposal and a budget for review by the Program Evaluation Committee. A detailed three-year budget projection must then be submitted to the Budget Committee.

Log in to Members Portal to access your committee materials.

Staff Contact:    Mike Garcia   Phone: 850-561-5649