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  5. Unlicensed Practice Of Law Committee

Unlicensed Practice Of Law Committee


The Supreme Court of Florida has delegated to The Florida Bar, as an official arm of the court, the duty to investigate and prosecute allegations of unlicensed practice of law. The Rules Regulating The Florida Bar establish one statewide Standing Committee on Unlicensed Practice of Law to supervise circuit unlicensed practice of law committees. There must be at least one unlicensed practice of law investigating committee in each circuit. The circuit committees investigate reports of unlicensed practice. Recommendations to file litigation must be approved by the standing committee. The standing committee in turn operates under the authority of the Board of Governors. When the Board of Governors approves, based on a recommendation from the Standing committee, the bar may initiate litigation seeking a civil injunction. The committee also has the authority to issue proposed formal advisory opinions on whether specific conduct constitutes the unlicensed practice of law. The proposed opinions are filed with the Supreme Court of Florida

Staff Liaison: Jeffrey T. Picker  850-561-3120

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