The Florida Bar
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Contact The Florida Bar

  • 850-561-5600
  • The Florida Bar
    651 E. Jefferson St.
    Tallahassee, FL 32399-2300
  • Hours: 8:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m., Monday-Friday
  • Username/password questions? Call 850-561-5832 option 1 or email Membership Records.

Please note: Florida Bar staff members cannot provide legal advice. Contact an attorney if you need advice on a specific legal problem.

Staff members whose extensions range from x5601 to x5859 can be dialed directly at 850-561+extension.

Department Phone Number
Attorney Consumer Assistance Program (complaints) 850-561-5673, 1-866-352-0707
Board Certification 850-561-5842
Center for Professionalism 850-561-5743
Communications (media inquiries) 850-561-5834
Consumer Information 850-561-5600
Continuing Legal Education 850-561-5842
Ethics and Attorney Advertising 850-561-5780
Finance and Accounting 850-561-5832
Florida Registered Paralegal Program 850-561-5793
Human Resources 850-561-5714
Lawyer Referral Service (for Bar members) 850-561-5844
Lawyer Referral Service (for the public) 1-800-342-8011
Leadership Academy 850-561-3195
LegalFuel Practice Resource Center 850-561-5616
Membership Records 850-561-5832
Unlicensed Practice of Law (UPL)
  • Headquarters, 850-561-5840
  • Ft. Lauderdale Branch, 954-835-0233
  • Miami Branch, 305-377-4445
  • Orlando Branch, 407-425-5424
  • Tampa Branch, 813-875-9821

Please note: Florida Bar staff members cannot provide legal advice. Contact an attorney if you need advice on a specific legal problem.

Staff members whose extensions range from x5601 to x5859 can be dialed directly at 850-561+extension.

Accounting and budgeting x5831
Applications for victims of attorney theft x5812
Attorney advertising x5780
Attorney complaints x5673
Attorney discipline statistics X5839
Board Certification See list
CLE accreditation x5842, x3150
CLE Registration x5831
CLE requirements and credit x5842
Employment opportunities x3179
Ethics Hotline (for Bar members) 800-235-8619
Fee arbitration x5673
Florida Bar committees See list
Florida Bar News and Journal x5688, x5687
General ethics questions (for Bar members) x5780
Grievance mediation x5673
Judicial Nominating Procedures x5662
Lawyer referral (for Bar members) x5844
Lawyer referral (for the public) 1-800-342-8011
Lawyer regulation x5839
Lawyer Statistics x5649
Legal publications x5706
Media inquiries x5834 x5666
Meetings & Convention x5613
Membership fees x5832
Membership records x5832
Mentoring x5747
Practice resources (LegalFuel) x5616
Professionalism x5747
Proof of membership x5832
Public records request X5839
Sections and Divisions See list
Speakers Bureau x5834 x5666
Special Appointments x5670
Voluntary Bars x5834 x5666
Website issues, questions x5820

Please note: Florida Bar staff members cannot provide legal advice. Contact an attorney if you need advice on a specific legal problem.

Lawyer Regulation Division

Elizabeth Clark Tarbert, Division Director
Christine Mitchell, Legal Administrative Secretary IV, 850-561-5774

Patricia Ann Toro Savitz, Staff Counsel
Mark L. Mason, Appellate Counsel
John Derek Womack, Bar Counsel
Christine Mitchell, Legal Administrative Secretary IV, 850-561-5774

Attorney Consumer Assistance Program

Shanell Schuyler, Director
Susan Austin, Program Administrator, 850-561-5719

Rules Regulating The Florida Bar

Elizabeth Clark Tarbert, Division Director, 850-561-5774
Kelly N. Smith, Rules Administrative Coordinator, 850-561-5780

Ethics and Consumer Protection Division

Gypsy Bailey, Division Director and General Counsel
Joni Hooks, Administrative Support IV, 850-561-5662
For questions about ethics or lawyer advertising, please call the Ethics Hotline at, 800-235-8619

Unlicensed Practice of Law Counsel

Jeffrey T. Picker, Director
Melanie Woodall, Administrative Support IV, 850-561-5840

Ethics & Advertising Counsel

Jonathan Grabb, Director

Assistant Ethics Counsel: Joy A. Bruner, Valerie Blocker, Jeffrey M. Hazen, LiliJean Quintiliani, Susan Gray, Deanna Rahming, and Nick Cavallaro, 850-561-5780

Clients’ Security Fund

Celia Connell, 850-561-5812
Rick Courtemanche, 850-561-5788

Please note: Florida Bar staff members cannot provide legal advice. Contact an attorney if you need advice on a specific legal problem.


Shanee’ L. Hinson, Chief Branch Discipline Counsel
651 E. Jefferson St.
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2300

Circuits: 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 14

Bar Counsel

Baker Chapman, Olivia Paiva Klein, Lance DeWolf Stephens and Lauren Michelle Williams


Lindsey Guinand, Chief Branch Discipline Counsel
PO Box 270729
Tampa, FL 33688

Circuits: 6, 12, 13, 20

Bar Counsel

Jennifer “Robyn” Dillon, Christopher Phillips, Michelle Robertson, Evan Rosen and Catherine “Catie” Toledo

Unlicensed Practice of Law

Maria L. Torres, Branch UPL Counsel
Salina Masone, Legal Administrative Secretary


Laura N. Gryb, Chief Branch Discipline Counsel
The Gateway Center
1000 Legion Place, Ste. 1625
Orlando, Florida 32801-1050

Circuits: 5, 7, 9, 10, 18, 19

Bar Counsel

Jill Marie Hampton, Alexis Lombard, Ashley Taylor Morrison, Daniel James Quinn and Lisa Ramsey

Unlicensed Practice of Law

Tanya Downs, Branch UPL Counsel
Lazaro Laserna, Legal Administrative Secretary


Patricia Toro Savitz, Staff Counsel
Lake Shore Plaza II
1300 Concord Terrace Ste. 130
Sunrise, FL 33323

Circuits: 15, 17

Bar Counsel

Randall L. Berman, Dina Hyppolite, Keri Joseph, Sharla Manglitz, William Mulligan and Joi L. Pearsall

Unlicensed Practice of Law

Algeisa Vazquez, Branch UPL Counsel
Diane Kinishi, Legal Administrative Secretary
954-835-0233, ext. 4148


Jennifer R. Falcone, Chief Branch Discipline Counsel
Ste. M100, Rivergate Plaza
444 Brickell Ave.
Miami, Florida 33131-2404

Circuits: 11, 16

Bar Counsel

Tonya Avery, William Chung, Rita Florez, Amanda Harris and Alan Pascal

Unlicensed Practice of Law

Jacquelyn P. Needelman, Branch UPL Counsel
Andrea Hensley, Legal Administrative Secretary
305-377-4445, ext. 4218