The Florida Bar

Out of State

Out of State Division

The division provides an organization for all Florida Bar members who live outside of Florida and focuses not on any specific practice area, but rather on the common interests and needs of out-of-state Florida Bar members as a whole. The division works toward the goal of ensuring equitable treatment for in-state and out-of-state Florida Bar members by constantly reviewing and monitoring legislative and Bar proposals to try to ensure that out-of-state practitioners are placed on equal footing with their in-state counterparts.

Section Administrator

Emily Young, 850-561-5650

Membership Information

The division publishes a newsletter three times a year. The division also produces CLE with one to three hours of ethic CLE credit for its members at no cost.

Florida Bar member dues: $35 Join and pay online
Download the application to pay by check
Affiliate member dues: $35 Download the application
Law student dues: no cost Download the student application

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