The ADR Section provides an organization for lawyers interested in alternative dispute resolution and provides a forum for discussion and exchange of ideas leading to an improvement of individual ADR skills and abilities. The ADR Section keeps Bar members informed and updated regarding legislation, rules and policies in connection with mediation and other ADR processes and the responsibilities they impose on mediator and arbitrator members. The section also provides quality continuing legal education programs.
Ben Morris 850-561-5618
Membership Information
Any member in good standing of The Florida Bar interested in the purpose of the Section is eligible for membership upon application and payment of this Section’s annual dues. Any member who ceases to be a member of The Florida Bar in good standing shall no longer be a member of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Section.
Affiliate Members
The executive council may enroll, upon request and upon payment of the prescribed dues as affiliate members of the section, persons who are inactive members of The Florida Bar and who can show a dual capacity of interest in and contribution to the section’s activities. The purpose of affiliate membership is to foster the development and communication of information between arbitrators, mediators, and the people who often work with arbitration and/or mediation lawyers. Affiliate members must not encourage the unlicensed practice of law. The number of affiliates will not exceed one-half of the section membership. ‘Affiliate’ or ‘affiliate member’ means an inactive member of The Florida Bar. Affiliate members have all the privileges accorded to members of the section except that affiliates may not vote, hold office, or participate in the selection of officers or members of the executive council, or advertise affiliate membership in any way. Affiliates may serve in an advisory nonvoting capacity which the executive council may from time to time establish in its discretion. Affiliate members will pay dues in an amount equal to that required of section members.
Section Dues: $45