The purpose of the Business Law Section of The Florida Bar is to provide an organization within The Florida Bar for members interested in corporation, banking, business, bankruptcy, computer and cyber law, anti-trust and franchise law, litigation and related areas of law, as well as to provide a forum for the discussion and exchange of ideas leading to the improvement of the laws relating to these areas of law.
Section Administrator
Carly Hopkins, 850-561-5623
Membership Information
Member benefits include notification of and attendance at numerous year-round CLEs, including lunchtime CLE presentations (which can be attended in person or by telephone), participation at committee meetings (including participation in legislative initiatives), networking events, a copy of the Section’s Annual Journal (updating Florida case law relevant to business law); and participation in special committee projects, including, among others, the Florida third party opinion practice; and revisions to Section 608 (the Florida LLC statute).
Florida Bar member dues: $70 | Join and pay online Download the application to pay by check |
Affiliate membership dues: $30 | Download the application |
Student membership dues: $20 | Download the application |
Visit the section website for information about committees, recent news and publications, and more.