Julie Simone Sneed
Magistrate Judge
The following information was provided in response to a survey prepared by the Federal Court Practice Committee of The Florida Bar. This information is not binding on any judge or court official and may not be relied upon for precedential purposes. Further information may be found in the attachments (sample orders, etc.) referenced at the end of this Guide entry or on the court's website noted below.
Name of Court:
Middle District of Florida
Location of Chambers:
801 North Florida Avenue
Assigned Courtroom:
(813) 301-5260
Email address (only for proposed orders or jury instructions):
Chambers Staff
Use of Cell Phones, Laptops, and Other Electronics in Court
Is there a designated court staff person to contact relating to the use of electronic media or other audiovisual needs?
Jessica Bennett, Courtroom Deputy Clerk
Always verify with the Clerk of Court or the U.S. Marshal's Service as to any procedures relating to the use of cell phones or other electronic devices at the courthouse.
CM/ECF Procedures
In addition to Local Rules or CM/ECF procedures applicable in the District:
Do you have a preferred method for counsel to correct an electronically filed document that inadvertently contains personal information (as prohibited by Fed.R.Civ.P. 5.2)?
Do you have a preferred method governing the filing of sealed documents?
See Local Rule 1.09
Do you prefer to have proposed orders (other than those required to be filed in the case) submitted as an attachment to documents filed in CM/ECF, or do you prefer to receive them by email or another method?
I do not require proposed orders.
Pretrial Detention/Pretrial Procedure (Criminal)
At bond hearings, do you permit the government to proceed by proffer or do you require a government agent to be present to testify?
Pretrial Procedure (Civil)
If YES, do you permit evidence to be introduced?
Should copies of published cases cited in motions and memoranda be forwarded to chambers?
Should copies of unpublished opinions cited in motions and memoranda be forwarded to chambers?
If copies of cases are submitted, do you accept copies that have portions highlighted by counsel?
Do you regularly set aside time during a given week/month for hearings on motions?
If YES, when is your normal hearing date/time?
When appropriate or when requested.
What is your practice concerning oral arguments on referred dispositive motions?
Parties may request a hearing.
If YES, how far in advance should they be filed?
The deadline will be set at the pre-trial conference.
What is your preference regarding the use of alternative dispute resolution methods such as arbitration or mediation?
Highly encouraged.
Do you have any special procedures for the settlement of FLSA cases?
See Case Management and Scheduling Order.
Do you automatically set consent cases for trial or do you wait for counsel to propose a time period in which a case should be scheduled for trial?
Trial terms will be set in the Case Management and Scheduling Order. Dates certain will be determined at the pre-trial conference.
If YES, under what circumstances will you grant trial dates certain?
Dates certain will be determined at the pre-trial conference in consideration of the parties' schedules.
If you require trial briefs, when are they due?
See Case Management and Scheduling Order.
Do you have any requirements for trial briefs?
See Case Management and Scheduling Order.
If YES, when should such questions be submitted?
See final pre-trial order.
What are your peremptory challenge procedures?
See final pre-trial order.
Do you allow back striking during jury selection?
When do you require counsel to file proposed jury instructions?
See final pre-trial order.
If YES, when do you require the proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law to be filed?
See final pre-trial order.
General Advice
What should lawyers avoid at all costs when appearing before you (other than the obvious: don't be late, do be courteous, etc.), i.e., do you have any "pet peeves"?
Follow Middle District of Florida Local Rule 5.03.
Links to your court's webpage with information about your practices or other links you recommend for practitioners:
Revised: 04-04-2018