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Federal Corner: CLE

Upcoming Free CLE: Pathways to Magistrate and Bankruptcy Judgeships

JAN. 30, 2025 | NOON-1:00 P.M.

Presented by The Federal Court Practice Committee

The distinguished panel of judges for this program — U.S. Magistrate Judge Natalie Hirt Adams (FLMD), U.S. Magistrate Judge Hope Thai Cannon (FLND), U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Corali Lopez-Castro (FLSD), and U.S. Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart (FLSD) — will explain their unique professional backgrounds and provide guidance on certain practice areas—government investigations, bankruptcy, and commercial litigation. This program will include a substantive discussion on relevant ethical and professionalism challenges in those practice areas and how the panelists suggest handling them. Program moderates are Brandon Breslow and Bernice Lee.

This course has been approved by The Florida Bar for 1 hour of CLE; including 0.5 Ethics & 0.5 Professionalism.

Registration required.


Course #8409: Best Practices and Discovery Disputes in Federal Courts

Approved by The Florida Bar for 1 hour of General CLE credit, including 0.5 Technology.

The distinguished panel of U.S. Magistrate Judges — Hope Cannon, Northern Dist. of Florida; Leslie Hoffman Price, Middle Dist. of Florida; and Bruce Reinhart, Southern Dist. of Florida —  will cover the best practices, overall trends, and types of discovery disputes; use of ESI protocols and agreements; disputes involving collection and production of ESI; managing costs, drafting discovery requests; confidentiality orders; best practices for court resolution; and fees and sanctions. Program moderators are Andrea Nieto and James Stepan.

CLE presentations presented by The Florida Bar and the various sections, divisions, and committees of The Florida Bar are intended for educational purposes only and do not replace professional judgment. Statements of fact and opinions expressed are those of the presenters individually and, unless expressly stated to the contrary, are not the opinion of The Florida Bar or its sections, divisions or committees. The Florida Bar does not endorse or approve, and assumes no responsibility for, the content, accuracy, or completeness of the information presented.