The Florida Bar

Ethics Opinion

Opinion 63-14

July 11, 1963
Advisory ethics opinions are not binding.
No attorney is permitted to make a secret commission on placement of his client’s funds
or to obtain commissions from an outside source without the full knowledge, approval and
consent of his client.
Note: This opinion was modified by opinion 70-13, which adds the requirement that the
client receive the benefit of the referral fee or that the attorney credit the client with the fee
against the attorney’s fees.


Chairman Holcomb stated the opinion of the committee:
A member of The Florida Bar submits a question concerning a letter sent him by A., Inc.
of New York City, suggesting that he take advantage of referral fees offered by them for the
placement of funds in insured savings and loan associations, promising referral fees on any
accounts placed by him as well as his personal deposits. His question is whether lawyers can
accept secret commissions for such references.
No attorney is permitted to make a secret commission on placement of his client’s funds
or to obtain commissions from an outside source without the full knowledge, approval and
consent of his client.