Opinion 64-30
June 22, 1964
Advisory ethics opinions are not binding.
It is not improper to include a brief biographical sketch of the author who makes a
particular contribution in Continuing Legal Education manuals.
27 [See current 4-7.11]
Chairman Smith stated the opinion of the committee:
A member of The Florida Bar asks the Professional Ethics Committee to express its
opinion regarding the propriety of including a brief biographical sketch in Continuing Legal
Education manuals of the author who makes a particular contribution.
One member of this Committee has disqualified himself because he is a member of the
Bar Committee charged with publication of the manuals. All other members of the Committee
unanimously agree that it would not be improper to include a brief and dignified biographical
sketch of the author which might include, among other things, the name of the author’s law firm.
The Committee feels that the practice would be quite proper because the distribution of the
manuals is limited to lawyers and law students.