Opinion 64-32
June 22, 1964
Advisory ethics opinions are not binding.
There is nothing improper in a law firm securing copies of pamphlets published by The
Florida Bar for a savings association and nothing improper in the displaying and distributing of
such pamphlets by the association.
27, 35 [See current 4-7.11]
Chairman Smith stated the opinion of the committee:
A member of The Florida Bar states that a federal savings and loan association has asked
his firm to procure for display and distribution in its building copies of The Florida Bar pamphlet
entitled “Have You Made A Will?”. The association wishes to make the pamphlet available to
members of the public who ask about problems relating to the preparation of wills.
This Committee is unanimously of the opinion that there would be nothing improper in
the firm securing the pamphlets as planned and nothing improper in the savings and loan
association displaying and distributing the pamphlets. The Committee, in fact, commends the
practice to members of the Bar.