The Florida Bar

Ethics Opinion

Opinion 67-48

January 8, 1968
Advisory ethics opinions are not binding.
A member of The Florida Bar may participate in a seminar on estate planning to be
conducted at an apartment house by a bank.

27 [See current 4-7.11 and 4-7.18(a)]

Chairman MacDonald stated the opinion of the committee:
A member of The Florida Bar inquires as follows:
I have received an invitation to be a speaker at a seminar on estate planning to be held in
January, 1968, sponsored by The ________ First National Bank.
As I understand it, the seminar will be held at the ____________ House, in
___________, Florida, for the residents of the ___________ House. I further understand that the
___________ First National Bank has been holding similar seminars for many years on
___________ at various large high-rise apartment houses at which seminars members of the
___________ County Tax Bar have been speakers. The purpose of these seminars is educational.
I have been informed that a brief announcement is sent out to the residents of the
high-rise apartment house indicating the date, time and place of the meeting. I further understand
that on the announcement no speaker’s name is mentioned. It is merely indicated that a local
attorney, or a Florida attorney, or a Florida tax attorney will be one of the speakers.
I anticipate that my speech will concern estate planning in general without reference to
any specific problems or situations.
We find nothing improper about participation of the inquirer in this seminar.