The Florida Bar

Ethics Opinion

Opinion 69-38

November 10, 1969
Advisory ethics opinions are not binding.
A member of The Florida Bar who is an ordained minister, may display an ordination certificate
on his office wall.


Chairman MacDonald stated the opinion of the committee:
A member of The Florida Bar, ordained as a minister of his denomination
prior to his admission to the Bar, advises that he continues to work from time to
time with various local congregations of his denomination on a voluntary,
noncompensated basis. He inquires whether he accordingly may display upon his
office wall an ordination certificate representing his qualification for this ministry,
the same to be displayed along with other certificates.
Addressing ourselves to the sole question presented, we conclude that there is no
violation of the Canons, including in particular Canon 27 precluding advertising and solicitation,
resulting from the mere display of such a certificate among other certificates or awards of merit
or honor. Obviously, care should be taken by the inquirer to preclude the use of his services to
his denomination as a means of promoting his status as an attorney. From the straightforward
manner in which the inquirer presents the subject we are confident that no such hazard is here