Opinion 71-4
April 9, 1971
Advisory ethics opinions are not binding.
There is nothing unethical about a practicing attorney also being employed as executive director
of a private association that is represented by other counsel.
DR 2-102, 2-104
Chairman Massey stated the opinion of the committee:
A member of The Florida Bar practices law but also is employed in an
administrative capacity with a private association as executive director. The
association has another attorney retained to handle its legal affairs. He inquires
whether he is violative of the CPR.
Assuming the legal affairs attorney for the association (unnamed) is not associated with
the inquirer in the practice of law and further assuming the position with the association is kept
completely separate and apart from the inquirer’s law practice and is not used as a feeder, there is
no ethical objection. A more definitive opinion cannot be given as sufficient facts are not at hand
to make an ethical judgment as to whether a “feeder” problem exists. The inquirer should
diligently avoid any of the evils implicit in DR 2-103 and 2-104.