Opinion 71-61
December 14, 1971
Advisory ethics opinions are not binding.
A lawyer author may ethically allow his publisher to advertise his book using a format which
briefly explains the subject matter and contains a brief description of the author.
65-33; ABA Informal 758
Chairman Clarkson stated the opinion of the committee:
A lawyer-author has written a book for publication under the title “Legal
Rights to Draft Deferments.” His publisher wishes to advertise the book using a
format which briefly explains the subject matter and contains the following
description of the author:
The author, ________________ , is an attorney of several years of successful
practice in the field of Selective Service law. His published works include Legal
Rights of Women in Florida and Legal Rights to Draft Deferments.
Emphasizing that the proposed advertisement is that of the publishing company and not
of the author, we find nothing objectionable in the proposal. See Florida Opinion 65-33 [since
withdrawn] and ABA Informal Opinion 758.