The Florida Bar

Ethics Opinion

Opinion 73-27

November 14, 1973
Advisory ethics opinions are not binding.
A former municipal judge may not permit his telephone answering service to answer his phone
“Judge X’s office.”
Note: Judicial conduct is governed by the Code of Judicial Conduct. The Judicial Ethics
Committee issues opinions interpreting this Code.


Vice Chairman Daniels stated the opinion of the committee:
From 1957 through 1965, the inquiring lawyer was a municipal judge and has
become widely known as Judge X in the community where he now practices. His
telephone answering service answers his phone, “Judge X’s office.” Inquiry is
made as to whether such answering service practice is proper. The question must
be answered in the negative. Former Opinion 70-63 [since withdrawn] is squarely
in point, where we there said:
A former judicial officer should never personally use the courtesy title
“judge” in his law practice. He should instruct his office staff, partners and
associates to refrain from affirmatively placing third persons, lawyers or
otherwise, in an embarrassing posture of dealing with “Judge ..........”