The Florida Bar

Ethics Opinion

Opinion 75-7

July 23, 1975
Advisory ethics opinions are not binding.
A lawyer may not file a class action in which the lawyer is a named plaintiff, seeks to represent
the class and seeks recovery of attorney’s fees for himself for representing the class.

DR 2-104(A)(5); EC 5-1
Vice Chairman Daniels stated the opinion of the committee:
We are asked if a lawyer may file a class action in which (1) he is a named
plaintiff seeking to represent the class; and (2) he seeks recovery of attorney’s
fees for himself for representing the class.
EC 5-1 provides:
The professional judgment of a lawyer should be exercised within the bounds
of the law, solely for the benefit of his client and free of compromising influences
and loyalties. Neither his personal interests, the interests of other clients, nor the
desires of third persons should be permitted to dilute his loyalty to his client.
In addition, DR 2-104(A)(5) provides:
If success in asserting rights or defenses of his client in litigation in the nature
of a class action is dependent upon the joinder of others, a lawyer may accept, but
shall not seek, employment from those contacted for the purpose of obtaining
their joinder.

The Committee concludes that the above-quoted provisions prohibit a lawyer from filing
a suit naming himself as the representative of a class and simultaneously seeking attorney’s fees
for representing such class.