The Florida Bar

Florida Bar Journal

The Florida Bar Journal


Banks Beware: Independent Liability of Garnishees to Garnishors

Business Law
Amid Florida’s legal landscape lies F.S. Ch. 77 (the statute), a critical terrain for creditors collecting on outstanding obligations, both...

Integrating AI Tools: What Is on the Horizon for Florida Lawyers?

President's Page
As artificial intelligence (AI) evolves, its potential to reshape the legal profession is undeniable. AI-powered tools are beginning to change...

Issues When Considering New Counsel on Appeal

Appellate Practice
Two attorneys with a collective 43 years in appellate law and perspectives as both outside counsel and corporate general counsel...

Update to Asset Protection Proofing Your LP or LLC for a Bankrupt Partner or Member

Featured Article
Asset protection attorneys often advise a client who may have future creditor claims to transfer assets to a limited liability...

Artificial Intelligence May Assist, but Can Never Replace, the Judicial Decision-Making Process of Human Judges

Featured Article
Artificial intelligence, in its many forms and applications, has become the “latest technological frontier” available to the legal profession.[1] As...

Capital Raising in Florida — It’s a New Ballgame

Business Law
For many years, Florida-based businesses seeking to raise capital within Florida were faced with a Florida securities statute that was...

Getting Involved with Bar Work: We Can Make a Difference Together

President's Page
As I reflect on my journey as an attorney, I can unequivocally say that my involvement with The Florida Bar...

Recent Changes to Community Property Rights on Death

Featured Article
Florida continues to be a top destination for retirees, investors, and other individuals who enjoy living in the Sunshine State....

Neither Goose Nor Gander: Why Tort Reform Fails All

Featured Article
In 2006, an egregious misdiagnosis by emergency room doctors deprived Allan Navarro of a normal life.[1] Navarro was rushed to...

Reflecting on the Rule of Law

President's Page
In the aftermath of the attempted assassination of a former U.S. president and current presidential candidate, the expressions of shock...