The Florida Bar

Florida Bar Journal

The Florida Bar Journal

Public Interest Law

“What We Got Here Is Failure to Communicate”: The Legal, Ethical, and Monetary Considerations of Effective Communication

Public Interest Law
[Editor’s note: Endnote 1 refers to the title] The rejection of a potential client because that person does not speak...

Modern Complexity Demands New Ways of Working: The Future of the Lawyer-Nonlawyer Partnership

Public Interest Law
In February 2020, the Pennsylvania Law School held a conference about the future of the legal profession.[1] With attendees representing...

The Disproportionate Impact of Heirs Property in Florida’s Low-Income Communities of Color

Public Interest Law
Heirs’ property refers to a type of tenancy in common in which multiple owners obtain undivided, fractional interests in real...

Can Technology Bridge the Justice Gap?

Public Interest Law
There is no question that technology has changed, and will continue to change, the practice of law and the process...

“As the Twig Is Bent”: Law Student Insights Regarding Pro Bono and Public Interest Law

Public Interest Law
Over the past three years, the authors have spoken at length with groups of law students who have completed the...

The Use of Next Friends to Seek Appointment of Counsel for Dependent Children Who Are Incapable or Unable to Request Appointment of Counsel

Public Interest Law
Matthew is three.1 He has curly brown hair, a creamy olive complexion, and a crooked smile that gives way to...

Mediation Myths and Urban Legends

Public Interest Law
Mediation,1 firmly rooted as a vital component of Florida’s court system, is the present, not the wave of the future....

The Demise of the Death Penalty for the Mentally Retarded

Public Interest Law
On June 20, 2002, the U.S. Supreme Court rendered its opinion in the case of Atkins v. Virginia, 122 S....

The Value of High Quality, Comprehensive Information to Decisionmakers in Juvenile Cases

Public Interest Law
Casey P.,1 a 16-year-old, has no family. Abandoned by his mother, he has lived in innumerable foster homes, Department of...

The Origination and Early Development of Free Speech in the United States: A Brief Overview

Public Interest Law
The First Amendment guaranty of freedom of speech is one of the most revered cornerstones of American society. The full...