The Florida Bar Lawyer Referral Service has established a modest means panel to meet the varied needs of the public. Clients qualifying for referral are entitled to a free initial 30-minute consultation. Participating attorneys then will consider the client’s financial obligations when determining additional fees for legal services.
If the legal problem is one that can be handled easily, such as a will or an uncontested divorce, and the client is genuinely in need of reduced rates, the fee should be lower than your regular rate. The suggested rate is one-half your regular rate. If the attorney’s fee has been dramatically reduced, then the 12% remittance owed to the Bar will be waived. Participating attorneys are encouraged to use a payment plan or another method of assisting the client in paying legal fees.
Initial determination of a client’s eligibility for this program is made by the Lawyer Referral Service clerk. Further determination of eligibility is to be made by your office during the initial consultation.
If the attorney determines that the client has an income exceeding the modest means panel guidelines, or is financially able to pay reasonable attorneys’ fees, additional fees for legal services should be at the attorney’s regular fee. Fee-generating cases, such as personal injury cases or any other tort cases, are not part of this reduced fee program and should, therefore, be handled through regular billing procedures.