Nominations Deadline Extended Until May 1 for the Parker Thomson Media Awards
April 6, 2020
CONTACT: Communications
The Florida Bar
TELEPHONE: 850-694-2875, [email protected]
The nominations deadline for the Parker Thomson Media Awards for Outstanding Legal Journalism in Florida has been extended until May 1, 2020, at 5 p.m. Each year, The Florida Bar’s Media & Communications Law Committee hosts the awards to honor exceptional journalism highlighting the system of law and justice as it affects Floridians. Any newspaper, radio station, blog, television station, wire service or online-only publication located in Florida is eligible to enter.
Entries must have been published or produced between Jan. 1, 2019, and Dec. 31, 2019. Content of entries may be current or historical, objective or analytical in nature. Special consideration may be given to entries that demonstrate courage or tenacity on the part of the news medium or the journalists who produced the entry.
Reporters receiving first place will take home $500, and those receiving second place will get $250. If multiple reporters are by-lined on a winning entry, the cash award will be divided evenly among them. Reporters who choose not to accept the monetary prizes may opt to donate to the First Amendment Foundation. All honorees and their media outlets will receive plaques.
Media organizations large and small are encouraged to enter. Judging criteria are not based on the greatest amount of resources used, but whether those resources available are used well and to the fullest in the tradition of outstanding journalism.
Awards are presented in four categories:
Any non-opinion-based news material with a printed component, whether presented in print or online.
Any opinion-based material in a newspaper with a printed component, including blogs, editorials and columns, whether presented in print or online.
Any broadcast story or series that investigates a single issue.
Any broadcast story or series that continuously follows a single subject/trial.
Any broadcast story or series that investigates a single issue.
Any broadcast story or series that continuously follows a single subject/trial.
Online-Only Publications:
Any online story or series, commentary, editorial cartoon or photo focusing on a single issue.
Any online story or series that continuously covers a single subject/trial.
Submit your entry before the May 1 deadline.
The awards jury consists of out-of-state journalists, Florida lawyers with substantial experience in journalism and/or media law, and a Florida educator of journalism or law. The determination of the awards jury is final and is not reviewed by The Florida Bar. The Florida Bar does not endorse the content of the winning entries.
The Florida Bar’s Media & Communications Law Committee has presented awards for stellar legal journalism for more than 60 years. In 2018, the media awards were renamed as a tribute to the late Miami lawyer Parker Davidson Thomson, for his countless contributions to media law. His expertise included helping newspapers obtain public records.
EDITORS: Please note The Florida Bar is not an association and "Association" is not part of our name. Proper reference is "The Florida Bar." Local bar organizations are properly termed "associations."