The following nominations have been forwarded to Gov. Ron DeSantis to fill the two positions of County Court Judge created by the resignation of Judge Conrad and the elevation of Judge Murphy to the Circuit Court bench:
E. Christopher Abdoney
Adam L. Bantner, II
Travis J. Coy
Michelle A. Doherty
Jeremy R. Griner
Jennifer P. Johnson
Joseph W. Kudia
Cheryl Mason
Natalia B. Silver
Alicia Whiting-Bozich
These nominations are the result of the Commission’s deliberations on July 15, 2024, following interviews with 19 applicants. The Commission thanks all of those who participated in the nomination process. Input from the community by way of reference, recommendations, or general information about the Applicants is vital to the process and is appreciated by the Commission.
For further information, please contact Max Amster, Chair, at 813-575-2266 or [email protected].
EDITORS: Please note The Florida Bar is not an association and "Association" is not part of our name. Proper reference is "The Florida Bar." Local bar organizations are properly termed "associations."