The Florida Bar

Florida Bar News

Amendments to the appellate court rules


The Appellate Court Rules Committee invites comments on the proposed rule amendments anticipated to be included in the Committee’s 2014 Three-year Cycle Report. The full text of the proposals can be found on The Florida Bar’s website at Interested persons should file comments with the Florida Supreme Court, after the report has been filed. The Three-Year Cycle Report will be filed no later than February 1, 2014. Any comments should also be submitted, electronically, to Eduardo Sanchez, Chair, at [email protected], and to the Bar staff liaison, Heather Telfer, at [email protected].

Rule /Form
9.110. 49-0 Clarifies the Committee Note.
9.141. 33-15 Removes that part of the proposed amendment in subdivision (b)(2)(C)(i) that would have resolved a district split and expressly provided that if an inmate files an optional brief in an appeal from the summary denial of a motion for post-conviction relief, any claim that was not included in that optional brief would be considered waived.
9.147. 49-0 Creates a Committee Note.

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