Carl Yastrzemski, Stress, and the Physiological Sigh
As we approach the 44th anniversary of baseball great Carl Yastzremski’s record breaking 3,000 hits, we can learn something about...
Mindfulness, compassion fatigue, and the un-intentional infliction of emotional distress
The demands placed upon lawyers and that lawyers place upon themselves to excel and win can lead to professional fulfillment...
Mindfulness and the rule against perpetuities
You probably remember learning in law school the rule against perpetuities. And while this common law property rule tends to...
The Mindful Lawyer
A few weeks ago Burt Bacharach passed away at the age of 94. Bacharach is widely regarded as one of...
Mindfulness and Summary Judgments
Last year Florida adopted the federal standard for evaluating motions for summary judgment. To prevail, the moving party must show...
The Mindful Lawyer: Sleigh Bells Ring, Are You Listening?
Last month’s column, Perry Mason and the Present Moment, explored mindful listening, a topic we’ll again consider, this time with...
Perry Mason and the Present Moment
This month’s column meanders like a river, flowing from television’s most popular trial attorney, to a largely forgotten courageous and...
‘How Mindfulness Helped Me Win a Jury Trial’
In this month’s column, trial attorney Roger Feicht shares some of the ways the practice of mindfulness meaningfully influenced the...
The Elements of a Mindfulness Practice
Mindfulness practices and the law have a lot in common. Both are pathways for moving from confusion and conflict to...
The Mindful Lawyer: A License to Breathe
It is said that mindfulness practices are simple, but not easy. The same can be said about relaxation practices. The...