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Henry Latimer Center for Professionalism

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Henry Latimer Center for Professionalism logoWelcome to the award-winning Henry Latimer Center for Professionalism created as a joint project of the Florida Supreme Court and The Florida Bar to promote and encourage professionalism throughout Florida. The Center is named after Judge Henry Latimer, one of the first African-American judges in Florida. During his 30-year career as a lawyer and judge, he mentored thousands, instilling in them his passion for equality, excellence, respect and professionalism.

The Center’s mission is to promote the fundamental ideals and values of the justice system within the legal system, and to instill those ideals of character, civility, competence, and commitment in all those persons serving therein.

Featured Content

Funded by the Engle Grant, this professionalism website is designed to help lawyers maintain the highest standards of ethics and professionalism.

Never Contemplated Podcast by The Florida Bar Center for Professionalism


Never Contemplated presents candid discussions about professionalism, and civility in the judicial system. CLE-eligible.

Screen capture of Attorney-Client Relationship video

Guides & Resources

Best practices guides (including Legal Professionalism in the Electronic Age), videos, articles, Pro Tips, and more.

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Florida Bar panel discusses evolving standards of professionalism and discipline

How do we maintain and amplify civility so that the respect and integrity of the justice system is preserved? Such is the question explored in the Bar’s webinar, “Perspectives on Professionalism from Your Office to Tallahassee.” Florida Supreme Court Justice Meredith Sasso opens the panel discussion by commenting on recent, unsuccessful efforts to remove two words…

First DCA Judge Ross Bilbrey offers advice on civility, professionalism, and zealous advocacy

First District Court of Appeal Judge Ross Bilbrey has some advice for lawyers who test the limits of zealous advocacy — “Don’t fight the extraneous stuff,” and remember the “Cowboy Code.” In the latest edition of the Center for Professionalism’s “On Civility” podcast, Bilbrey advises that zealous advocacy on behalf of a client is fine…

Justice Meredith Sasso and former Justice Kenneth Bell to lead free professionalism CLE

Florida Supreme Court Justice Meredith Sasso and former Supreme Court Justice Kenneth Bell will headline a free CLE later this week, “Perspectives on Professionalism — From Your Office to Tallahassee.” Streaming live via Zoom from noon to 1 p.m. on December 5, the seminar is sponsored by the Standing Committee on Professionalism and the Henry…