Foreclosure Crisis – Help for Consumers – Finding an Attorney/Legal Aid
Throughout Florida, Legal Aid offices offer free or reduced cost assistance. To find a Legal Aid office near you, visit .
The Florida Bar’s Lawyer Referral Service can help you find an attorney to help you defend against a foreclosure. Call 800-342-8011 to receive a referral. Attorneys who receive referrals have agreed to provide a half-hour office consultation for no more than $25.
Pamphlet offers helpful questions
How do you find the right lawyer for your needs? How can you figure out what it might cost? The Florida Bar consumer pamphlet How to Find a Lawyer in Florida gives guidance in getting the right legal help.
Questions to ask an attorney you are considering hiring to help you with your mortgage situation:
- Have you had experience with this type of problem (defending a foreclosure) before?
- How recently?
- How often?
- What was involved?
- Were you successful?
- What percentage of your practice is devoted to this kind of problem?
- What are the strengths and weaknesses of my case?
- Can a timetable be set for my case?
- What do you charge for your services, and can you give me an estimate for what the expected fees and costs will be for this matter?