The Benchmarks program, overseen by The Florida Bar’s Constitutional Judiciary Committee, offers attorneys and judges the training and tools to speak to adult civic and community groups about the fundamentals of government and the courts.
Become a Speaker
Attorneys can become Benchmarks presenters by watching the video training. When training is completed, sign up with The Florida Bar Speakers Bureau. Attorneys who watch the video training can receive .5 CLE credit – course number 6636. If you have any issues with signing up for the Speakers Bureau or with the below materials, contact Nellie Louis at [email protected].
Upcoming Live Training
There will be one in-person training at the 2024 Annual Florida Bar Convention at the Signia by Hilton Orlando Bonnet Creek.
Wednesday, June 19, 2024 from 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Presentation previews, presenter tools and materials, and login information for the Nearpod interactive presentation follow.
Thank you to the University of Central Florida Lou Frey Institute for their assistance in developing the educational presentations.
Sorting the Courts
Participants will learn more the different levels of the Florida court system, explore the role of judges and juries, and learn ways to stay engaged with the judicial branch and why that is important.
Sorting Out the Courts Lesson Plan
Sorting Out the Courts PowerPoint Presentation
Sorting The Courts Scenario Activity
Sorting Courts Scenario Activity Key
Audience Survey Link (to share with attendees)
Presenter Survey (to take yourself)
Visit the Nearpod website and use the following credentials to access the interactive presentation and get familiar with the platform. Contact Nellie Louis at [email protected] if you need a verification code when you log in.
Login: [email protected]
Password: civicsed1!
Is that Constitutional?
The U.S. Supreme Court & Judicial Review
Participants will learn more about the role of the U.S. Supreme Court and how the concept of judicial review came to be. They will also explore differences between judicial restraint and judicial activism as well as learn ways to stay engaged with the judicial branch and why that is important.
Is That Constitutional Lesson Plan
Is That Constitutional PowerPoint Presentation
Handouts and Activities
Handout: Edwards v. Vannoy: The Case of the Non-Unanimous Jury
Constitutional Balance Activity
Constitutional Balance Activity Answer Key
Audience Survey Link (to share with attendees)
Presenter Survey (to take yourself)
Visit the Nearpod website and use the following credentials to access the interactive presentation and get familiar with the platform.
Contact Nellie Louis at [email protected] if you need a verification code when you log in.
Login: [email protected]
Password: civicsed1!
The Fourth Amendment in the Courts
The Digital Age & Privacy
Participants will learn more about the fourth amendment and the challenges that technology have caused in its interpretation. Opportunities will be provided to dive into the evolution of the amendment through case law and discuss possible future challenges to come.
Fourth Amendment in the Courts Lesson Plan
The Fourth Amendment In The Courts PowerPoint Presentation
Handouts and Activities
Technology & 4th Amendment Cases Handout
Bill of Rights Cheat Sheet Handout
Bill of Rights Matching Activity
Bill of Rights Matching Activity Answer Key
Audience Survey Link (to share with attendees)
Presenter Survey (to take yourself)
Visit the Nearpod website and use the following credentials to access the interactive presentation and get familiar with the platform.
Contact Nellie Louis at [email protected] if you need a verification code when you log in.
Login: [email protected]
Password: civicsed1!