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The Florida Bar Referee Resources

These resources are provided to inform and guide referees as they carry out their duties in disciplinary cases.

Ethics Opinion Search: Search for nonbinding opinions by subject or number.

Florida Bar Referee Manual: This guide is designed to summarize trials by referees in disciplinary proceedings. See also Model Report of Referee and Referee PowerPoint.

Guidelines for Professional Conduct: Direction to lawyers and judges concerning how lawyers should conduct themselves in all phases of trial practice.

Oath of Admission: General principles guiding the practice of law that are sworn to upon admission to The Florida Bar.

Regulation of Lawyer Conduct: Processing and investigation of inquiries and complaints are basic responsibilities of the Bar as mandated by the Florida Supreme Court.

Rules Regulating The Florida Bar: The Rules Regulating The Florida Bar contain — among other topics — the Bylaws of The Florida Bar organization, the Rules of Discipline, the Rules of Professional Conduct, and other chapters on specific regulatory topics.

Standards for Lawyer Sanctions: Bar counsel, referees and the Florida Supreme Court follow these standards before recommending or imposing discipline.

Unlicensed Practice: The Unlicensed Practice of Law (UPL) program was established by the Supreme Court of Florida to protect the public against harm caused by unlicensed individuals practicing law.