Proposals for Comment
3.16 Prisoner Release Reoffender Findings
3.17 Habitual Felony Offender Findings
3.18 Habitual Violent Felony Offender Findings
3.19 Violent Career Criminal Findings
3.20 Nonstate Prison Sanction/Danger to the Public
7.3(a) Unlawful Distribution of Certain Drugs Causing Death
7.9 Vehicular or Vessel Homicide
8.34 Non-Consensual [Installation] [Use] of a Tracking [Device] [Application]
10.14 Possession of a [Short-Barreled Rifle] [Short-Barreled Shotgun] [Machine Gun]
16.14 [Possession] [Control] [Intentional Viewing] of Generated Child Pornography
20.23 Insurance Fraud (Knowing Material False Statement in Support of a Claim)
20.24 Insurance Fraud (False Statement in Support of an Insurance Application)
20.25 Insurance Fraud (Knowingly Concealing Material Information)
20.26 Fraudulent [Sale] [Lease] of Residential Real Property
20.27 Presenting a False Document to Detain or Remain Upon Real Property
25.18 Contraband in a Juvenile [Detention Facility] [Commitment Program]
25.23 Reckless Exposure Causing An Overdose or Serious Bodily Injury
28.5(a) [Racing on a Highway] [Street Takeovers] [Stunt Driving]
29.28 False Information in Connection with Voting or Elections
The Supreme Court Committee on Standard Jury Instructions in Criminal Cases submits the above amended instructions for comment. The committee invites all interested persons to comment on the proposals, reproduced in full in the Bar News Notices section. Comments must be received by the committee in either electronic format or hard copy on or before January 31, 2025. The committee will review all comments received in response to the proposals at its next meeting and will consider amendments based upon the comments received. File your comments electronically, in the format of a Word document. If you cannot file electronically, mail a hard copy of the comment to Standard Jury Instructions Committee in Criminal Cases, c/o Bart Schneider, General Counsel’s Office, Office of the State Courts Administrator, 500 S Duval St, Tallahassee 32399-1900.