Criminal Jury Instructions Chapter 13
Burglary and Trespass
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- 13.1 Burglary § 810.02, Fla. Stat.
- 13.2 Possession of a Burglary Tool § 810.06, Fla. Stat.
- 13.3 Trespass — In Structure or Conveyance § 810.08, Fla. Stat.
- 13.4 Trespass — On Property Other Than a Structure or Conveyance § 810.09, Fla. Stat.
- 13.5 Trespass On School Property With A [Firearm] [Weapon] § 810.095(1), Fla. Stat.
- 13.5(a) Trespass on School Grounds or Facilities § 810.097, Fla. Stat.
- 13.5(b) Trespass on School Grounds or Facilities After Warning By Principal or Designee § 810.097(2), Fla. Stat.
- 13.5(c) Trespass on the Campus of a [State University] [Florida College System Institution] for the Purpose of Threatening or Intimidating Another § 810.098, Fla. Stat.
- 13.6 Trespass on Designated Property § 810.09(2)(d), (e), (f), (g), or (i), Fla. Stat.
- 13.7 Residential Picketing or Protesting § 810.15(2), Fla. Stat.
- 13.8 Unauthorized Entry upon Land [§ 810.12 Reserved]
- 13.9 Trespass with Larceny of Utility Services [§ 812.14 Reserved]
- 13.21 Impairing or Impeding Telephone or Power to a Dwelling to Facilitate or Further a Burglary § 810.061, Fla. Stat.