The Florida Bar

December Speaking Tips

December 15, 2021

Public Speaking Vocal Exercises

If you’re like most, the last thing on your mind right before speaking in front of a large audience is vocal exercises. At this point, you’re probably trying to cram all the information you can from your presentation into your brain. In his post on Rule the Room Public Speaking, Craig Czarnecki writes that relaxing your voice is essential if you want to sound confident and in control.

How to Communicate Effectively Across Cultures

Globalization means we live on an increasingly shrinking planet. Our grandparents could hardly have dreamed of communicating with clients and colleagues halfway around the world. Whether by phone, email, Zoom, or social media, most of us interact with people from another culture on a regular basis. And the truth is—it can be challenging! In this Toastmasters International Podcast, Dean Foster offers advice for breaking though this communication barrier.

Also from the Toastmasters podcast: 2020 World Championship of Public Speaking Mike Carr discusses the change in plans required for deliver his award-winning speech from a virtual platform, and shares what he’s learned along the way.

In a Hurry? How to Memorize a Speech in Less than an Hour

The solution to how to memorize a speech in minutes will likely surprise you. Fearless Presentations offers a few great tips about how great speakers make the presentation memorization process easy and stress-free.

Boost Your Presentation Visuals

From use of color to font-size selection, making the right style choices can add polish to your presentation. Powtoon, a visual communication software company, offers seven ways to boost your presentation skills.