The Florida Bar honors it’s 50-Year Members and Senior Counselors at a Friday luncheon
The Florida Bar will honor more than 700 attorneys and senior counselors for 50 years of dedication to the practice of law during a luncheon at the convention on June 21.
Former Justice James E.C. Perry and retired Okaloosa County Judge Patt Maney, now a member of the Florida House of Representatives, will be the featured speakers at the annual luncheon, coordinated by the Senior Lawyers Committee.
Perry was the 85th justice of the Supreme Court serving from 2009-2016. He is a native of New Bern, North Carolina, and was appointed to the Florida Supreme Court by Gov. Charlie Crist. Before his appointment, he served as a circuit judge in the 18th Circuit.
Also a retired Army general, Maney won the support of the active and retired service members who dominate his Northwest Florida district after he helped establish one of the state’s first veterans treatment courts.
The honorees include:
- Roy Lewis Aaron
- Eliot Charles Abbott
- Clifford Mclesky Ables III
- Michael Lee Abrams
- Lehn E. Abrams
- Larry Lee Adair
- George William Allen Jr.
- Bernard Mitchell Alter
- Leonard Alterwein
- Frank Dennis Alvarez
- Louis X. Amato
- Lance Andrews
- John Wellford Andrews
- Robert Jerald Angerer
- Thomas Joseph Ansbro Jr.
- John J. Anthony, Jr.
- Ralph Armstead
- Lawrence James
- Tod Aronovitz
- Sharon Buck Atack
- Charles Jay Averbook
- Dennis Lee Avery
- Robert David Ayers Jr.
- L Gabriel Bach
- Scott Louis Baena
- John Wilbur Bakas Jr.
- Howard A. Baker
- David Herbert Baker
- Frank J. Bankowitz III
- Dennis Anthony Barbarisi
- Richard Baron
- Harry E. Barr
- John Gordon Barry III
- Allan Bartholomew-Cook
- Andrea Ruth Bateman
- William David Bavoso
- William D. Beamer
- Joseph Wayne Beasley
- James Dawson Beasley
- Thomas Mclin Beason
- James L. Bell
- Jonathan David Beloff
- Norman J. Benford
- Michael Jay Berman
- John Michael Bernazzoli
- Margrit Stolz Bernstein
- Jeffrey Allan Bernstein
- Joel Bernstein
- Neal Louis Betancourt
- Pamela Joy Bethel
- Arthur M. Birken
- Stephen Gramling Birr
- Larry V. Bishins
- Timothy Marion Bittel
- Thomas Watson Black
- Martin Leroy Black
- William Hartley Blackburn
- Dock A. Blanchard
- Lawrence Saul Blumberg
- Minor Thomas Bond, Jr.
- C. Bryant Boydstun, Jr.
- William Edward Boyle
- Dominic L. Brandy
- J. Scott Brasfield
- Paul David Breitner
- Frank Mcgregor Brezina
- Ray S. Brill, Jr.
- Daniel Stassen Brim
- Donald L. Brooks
- Elliot R. Brooks
- Anthony Julian Brown
- Edgar Alexander Brown
- Scott Mackenzie Brownell
- James Steven Brownstein
- Paul Franklin Bryan
- John Letcher Bryan, Jr.
- Bill L. Bryant, Jr.
- Robert William Buechner
- Robert C. Burke, Jr.
- William Shuler Burns, Jr.
- Theodore Mark Burt
- Richard Jay Burton
- Luis Christopher Bustamante
- Charles Barry Butman
- J. Kent Cameron, Jr.
- Dennis Scott Cameron
- Francis Joseph Carey
- Hugh Alfred Carithers, Jr.
- Robert Walter Carlson
- Gary Michael Carman
- John T. Carmody, Jr.
- Peter James Caroline
- Burney Joel Carter
- Donald D. Carter, Jr.
- Patrick Joseph Casey
- Carlos Enrique Casuso
- William Paul Cervone
- David Clinton Chafin
- Gene Tison Chambers
- John James Chamblee, Jr.
- Nicholas Edward Christin
- Susan Leslie Forbes Clark
- Kenneth Malcolm Clayton II
- Christopher C. Cloney
- Marvin Louis Coan
- Clark Jones Cochran, Jr.
- Gordon Howard Coffman
- Barry Michael Cohen
- Ronald Stuart Cohen
- Glenn Edward Cohen
- James I. Cohn
- Charles R. Colbrunn
- Richard P. Cole
- Martin Howard Colin
- Robert Dennis Comfort
- Kenneth T. Connor
- Thomas William Conroy
- Gordon Grover Cooper
- John William Costigan
- Ernest Lamar Cotton
- Sharon Ann Coughlin
- Rex Phillip Cowan
- Gregory K. Crews
- James Chumley Crosland
- Douglas Edward Crow
- John Belcher Crowther
- William Edward Curphey
- James Patrick Curry
- Charles L. Curtis
- Richard A. Daar
- David Lyle Dalenberg
- David Richard Damore
- Lee S. Damsker
- Thomas William Danaher
- David A. Dancu
- Robert Lee Daniels, Jr.
- David Alan Danielson
- Jay Warren Dankner
- Ronald Bob Deal
- Ignacio Gonzalez Del Valle
- Susan Fossa Delegal
- Alfred Paul Denowitz
- Dale Allen Dettmer
- Steven K. Deutsch
- Joseph Louis Diaz
- Aubrey Omar Dicus, Jr.
- James Doddo
- Michael Pearce Dodson
- Steven B. Dolchin
- Samuel Brengle Dolcimascolo
- William G. Dolde
- Amy Steele Donner
- Thomas Brochmann Drage, Jr.
- Brian Stephen Duffy
- John David Dumbaugh
- George Saito Dunn
- Richard David Eade
- Thomas Vincent Eagan
- James Echnoz
- Daniel Dewitt Eckert
- Russell Graham Edgar, Jr.
- George Ellsworth Edwards
- Joseph Egan, Jr.
- Cheryl R Eisen-Yeary
- Fred Elefant
- James W. Elliott
- Kenneth Craig Ellis
- Mary Lewis Ellis
- Julie Huston Ellis
- Thomas Manuel Elwell
- Susan Amanda England
- Michael Allen Estes
- Jesse Smith Faerber
- Alan E. Fallik
- James Edward Farley
- Marlin Marion Feagle
- Willa Anne Fearrington
- Jeffrey Howard Feldman
- James Oliver Fergeson, Jr.
- Luanne Eagle Ferguson
- Angelo Michael Ferlita
- Russell Joseph Ferraro, Jr.
- David W. Fershee
- Eliot Daniel Fielding
- Ronald Richard Fieldstone
- Salvatore V. Fiore
- James Lawrence Fly
- Philip Harris Forbes
- Peter Jonathan Forman
- Theodore James Fournaris
- Ronald E. Fox
- Mary Jo Francis
- William S Frank
- Lois Jane Frankel
- Robert Otis Freeman
- Robert Walker Freer
- C. Ted French
- Henry A Fricke
- William S Friedlander
- Robert Frank Frijouf
- Lawrence Maxwell Fuchs
- Delmar Lee Fugate
- John Franklin Fussell
- Robert J Galamaga
- Lawrence J. Gallick
- Jay Myron Gamberg
- Charles Robert Gardner
- Lee Barry Gartner
- Willie E. Gary
- S Cary Gaylord
- Robert E. Geisler
- Fred H. Gelston
- David Franklin Geneson
- Willard Etheridge Getman
- Robert Courtland Gibbons
- Geoffrey F. Giddings
- Edward H. Gilbert
- Richard Allen Gilbert
- James Gardner Gilliam
- Judith Ann Ginn
- Douglas Rawls Girvin
- Maurice Vincent Giunta
- Stann William Givens
- Garry Marc Glickman
- Damon Christopher Glisson
- Steven Geoffrey Glucksman
- Donald Stuart Goldrich
- Barry E. Goldstein
- Thomas Goldstein
- William Martin Golson
- Lawrence A. Gonzalez
- Owen K. Goodwyne
- Robert L. Gossett
- Gary Steven Gostel
- Gary Charles Granoff
- Norman A. Green
- David Howard Greenberg
- Andrew Greene
- Evelyn Langlieb Greer
- Allan Thomas Griffith
- Lynn Joan Griffith
- Richard Alan Grossman
- Thomas Joseph Guilday
- Frederick Ashley Gunion, Jr.
- Stephen Franklin Guthmann
- Larry Michael Haag
- Fred Haddad
- Albert J. Hadeed
- Timothy G. Hains
- Jan Gregory Halisky
- Mary Lee Hall
- Robert D. Hall, Jr.
- Richard Alan Halpern
- Donald W. Hardeman, Jr.
- John Russell Hargrove
- Charles Clifford Harper
- Brian C. Harrington
- George Edward Harris
- Michael David Harris
- James Hamilton Harrison
- Michael H. Hatfield
- Marc Hauser
- Judith H. Hayes
- Alan R. Hecht
- Frederick M. Heimberg
- James Arthur Hellickson
- Warren Carl Herland
- Robyn Juanita Hermann
- Frederick A. Higham, Jr.
- Thomas Larry Hill
- Robert Allen Hingston
- Lynn James Hinson
- F. Richard Hitt
- Michael Joel Hittleman
- Richard Allan Hixson
- Stephen Hochberg
- Perry Walton Hodges, Jr.
- J. Bruce Hoffmann
- Raymond O. Holton, Jr.
- Douglas Eivind Hoover
- Eric Alan Houghton
- J. Wesley Howze, Jr.
- William J. Hudson, Jr.
- Duane G. Huffer
- Charlton Lee Hunter
- Patrick G. R Ingraham
- Jay Roger Jacknin
- Dale Gardner Jacobs
- Donald Frank Jacobs
- William Paul Jacobson
- Charles Edward Jacobson III
- Robert I. Jadd
- John Samuel Louis Jaffer
- Herbert C. Jahnke, Jr.
- Paul Thomas Jeske
- William Horace Jeter, Jr.
- Scott Joel Johnson
- Barrett George Johnson
- Charles Holland Johnson
- Roy Jones, Jr.
- Frederick Wayne Jones
- Clark Jordan-Holmes
- James P. Judkins
- Neal Kalis
- Joseph R. Kalish
- Edward S. Kaplan
- Joel Kaplan
- Marshall Barry Kapp
- Larry Allan Karns
- Michael L Katz
- Jeffrey Alan Katz
- Brian Phillip Kay
- Daniel M. Keil
- Jeffrey D. Keiner
- Alfred Glenn Kelley
- Walter Kelly
- Michael Frank Kempner
- Joseph Lang Kershaw, Jr.
- Charles Franklin Ketchey, Jr.
- Timothy Keyser
- Monroe David Franklin Kiar
- William Bennett King
- Harden King, Jr.
- Alan G. Kipnis
- Kenneth M. Kirschner
- Robert Stuart Klingebiel
- Richard Milton Knellinger
- Gerald L. Knight
- Harold M. Knowles
- Steven Kollin
- Joel David Kopelman
- Ronald Carl Kopplow
- Judith Goldstein Korchin
- Thomas Joseph Korge
- Donald Geoffrey Korman
- Carol Ann Krainson
- Robert Michael Kramer
- David J. Krane
- Lawrence Francis Kranert, Jr.
- John Dale Kurtz
- Patricia Jean Kyle
- Michael H. Lambert
- Bruce Allan Lamchick
- Kenneth G. Lancaster
- Gary F. Large
- Adam H. Lawrence
- Michael H. Lax
- Susan Lebow
- Patricia Lebow
- Robert Michael Leen
- Steven Y. Leinicke
- Andrew Martin Leinoff
- Rigoberto Leon
- Joel R. Levine
- Samuel Hardee Lewis
- John Barnett Liebman
- James Arnold Lien
- Neil Preston Linden
- Charles William Littell
- Robin Adair Lloyd
- Emanuel Logalbo, Jr.
- Mark Steven London
- Jack Edward London
- James B. Loper
- Leslie Jean Lott
- Juan P. Loumiet
- Marc Leslie Lubet
- Stephen Ellis Lubin
- Richard G. Lubin
- Alan H. Lubitz
- David A. Luczak
- Mary-Elisabeth Lupo
- Ronald Allen Luzim
- Dennis Edward Lyles
- James Joseph Lynch
- Patricia Kay Lytle
- J. Ross Macbeth
- Linda Olson MacLaren
- Gary D. Malfeld
- Michael D. Malfitano
- Joseph James Maltese
- Irwin Paul Mandelkern
- William L. Mander
- Thomas Patterson Maney
- Thomas David Mann
- Timothy Jones Manor
- Donald Lee Marblestone
- Ira Marcus
- Freemon A. Mark
- Ira Frank Markowitz
- Jerry Maurice Markowitz
- Andrew Joshua Markus
- Jack Raymond Maro
- Richard A. Marshall, Jr.
- Stewart Andrew Marshall III
- Gary Leonard Martin
- James William Martin
- Raul J. A. Martinez-Esteve
- Carl Laurence Masztal
- Harvey Kenneth Mattel
- Michael A. Matters
- Robert D. McAliley
- James Martin McCann, Jr.
- George E. McCarthy
- R. Burl McCoy
- James Edward McDonald
- Stephen J. McDonald
- C. Edward McGee, Jr.
- James T McGrady III
- Edward Fortune McHale
- Owen Clark McLaughlin
- Jack Linden McLean, Jr.
- Gregory Patrick McMahon
- Joe Gary McMakin
- Robert Alexander McMillan
- Earl R McMillin
- David H. McQuaig
- Jack L. McRay
- Michael William Mead
- Raul G. Mendoza
- Robert G. Merkel
- Alan D. Methelis
- Allan F. Meyer
- Malcolm Peterson Mickler III
- Alan Harris Miller
- Richard Craig Milstein
- John Dekle Milton, Jr.
- Charles Reuben Mindlin
- Charles Brown Mirman
- Robert Bruce Moeller
- Toby S. Monaco
- Peter Hills Monroe
- Stephen N. Montalto
- Joseph Wrigley Mooney III
- Philip J Morgan
- Andrew H. Moriber
- John Thomas Morrison
- Kenneth Dane Morse
- Robert David Moses
- Carl Dalton Motes
- Lorin Louis Mrachek
- James Alan Murman
- Claude Robert Murray, Jr.
- Ronald Napolitano
- Lawrence N Natinsky
- Stephen Navaretta
- James David Nelsen
- Philip Nemeth
- Marleta Lois Nemire
- George Harvey Nickerson, Jr.
- John Andrew Noland
- Rita Faye Norton
- Ronald Anthony Nour
- Robert Kurt Oates
- Gavin Wallace O’Brien
- Michael Joseph Obringer
- George P. Ord
- Ronald Martin Owen
- Jesse Samuel Owens, Jr.
- Marcus Sherman Owens
- J. Page
- William Jay Palmer
- Raul C. Palomino, Jr.
- Brian William Pariser
- Joseph Rathbone Park
- Steven H. Parton
- Robert Wayne Pass
- Patrick Michael Patterson
- Stephen Myron Pave
- Twila Hargrove Payne
- Ray William Pennebaker
- Thomas F. Pepe
- James E. C. Perry
- George Russell Petersen
- S. Joseph Piazza
- Robert A. Pierce
- Antonio J. Pineiro
- Malcolm J. Pitchford
- Mark Elliott Pollack
- Ian L. Polow
- Gregg Joseph Pomeroy
- Sergio Daniel Ponce
- Wesley R. Poole
- Stephanie Patricia Popivchak
- John Terrence Porter
- James Harry Post
- Rebekah J. Poston
- Gillis Edward Powell, Jr.
- Donald Robert Powers
- Paul Thomas Presnell, Jr.
- Mark David Press
- Jerald Steven Price
- Virginia Beth Puder
- Michael Joel Pugh
- Terrence F. Pyle
- Frank Quesada
- Marion Joseph Radson
- Ronald James Raffony
- John Richard Rahter
- Robert G. Randall, Jr.
- Roosevelt Randolph
- Robert Lee Ratliff III
- Diane Evryl Reese
- Sam Reiber
- Benjamine Reid
- John Charles Revis
- Marc Jeffrey Reynolds
- Robert M. Rhodes
- Edward Michael Ricci
- William Legro Richards Jr.
- Hugh Anthony Richeson, Jr.
- Peter Howard Riddell
- Harley Edward Riedel
- Lewis Rinder
- Keith Alan Ringelspaugh
- Robert A. Robbins
- Bonnie Lindquist Roddenberry
- Stephen Keith Roddenberry
- Thomas John Roehn
- John Fletcher Romano
- Anthony Rondolino
- Gilbert James Rooth
- Roland Anthony Rosello
- Marvin Sanders Rosen
- Howard D. Rosen
- Stephen Leslie Rosen
- Michael J. Rosen
- Steven S. Rosenthal
- Jeffrey Rosinek
- Jeffrey Ronald Roth
- Ronald Joel Rothschild
- Keith Eugene Rounsaville
- Jeffrey Daniel Rubinstein
- Jerold R Ruderman
- Alan Francis Ruf
- Ronald J. Russo
- James Hayes Ryan
- Richard Daryl Saba
- William Braley Salmon
- Edward Owen Savitz
- David Thomas Sawyer
- Robert I. Scanlan
- Michael Schiffrin
- Melvyn Schlesser
- Lee Charles Schmachtenberg
- John D. Schmelzer
- Charles Frederick Schoech
- David Joseph Schottenfeld
- David L. Schrader
- George J. Schriefer
- Paul Christopher Schryver
- Terrence Steven Schwartz
- James Wilson Sears
- John Thomas Sefton
- Jan K. Seiden
- Wayne Franklin Seitl
- Sharon Elizabeth Selk
- John Timothy Sheehan
- James Oliver Shelfer
- John Edgar Sherrard
- Peter Keenan Sieg
- Louis Marc Silber
- Roger Allen Silver
- Stuart Robert Silver
- Terry Nathan Silverman
- Douglas Keith Silvis
- Arthur Marshall Simon
- Gary P. Simon
- Larry Dean Simpson
- George Richard Singeltary
- Thomas H. Singletary
- J. Ronald Skipper
- Sheri Smallwood
- Gary Wayne Smith
- Stephen A Smith
- Harold D. Smith
- John R. Smith, Jr.
- Jose Smith
- Louisa Helen Smith-Adam
- W. Russell Snyder
- James Barry Soble
- Gilbert Craig Soria
- Joseph J. Sorota, Jr.
- Billie J. Spencer
- Robert F. Spohrer
- James M. Spoonhour
- Jeffrey P. Sprowls
- Edwin Joseph Stacker
- Thomas Daniel Stafford
- Bruce McLaren Stanley
- Arthur Wayne Stefans
- Lawrence J. Stein
- Marty Steinberg
- Eugene Michael Steinfeld
- Michael Sterlace
- Ellis Stern
- Marshall Maurice Stern
- Larry Mills Stewart
- John B. Stewart
- Bruce Michael Stone
- Theodore Robert Stotzer
- Robert Joel Strunin
- Carl Milton Sugarman
- E. Thomas Sullivan
- Robert G. Sullivan
- John Charles Sumberg
- Howard S. Susskind
- Ronald V. Swanson
- David L. Swimmer
- William Jennings Swink, Jr.
- Masahiko Taketomo
- Charles M. Tatelbaum
- Rayford Huxford Taylor
- John O. Terry
- James S. Theriac III
- Samuel A. Thomas
- Emerson R. Thompson, Jr.
- Lynn Alan Thompson
- Allison P. Thompson
- Robert Charles Timmons
- Victor Tobin
- Andrew Mitchell Tobin
- George Euripedes Tragos
- Owen Stanley Trappe, Jr.
- Thomas D. Treece
- John Christopher Trentelman
- Richard Buffington Tucker, Jr.
- Dennis R. Turner
- John Edward Tuthill
- Lawrence Conner Updike
- Dewey Homer Varner, Jr.
- John Edward Venn, Jr.
- Brenton Neil Ver Ploeg
- Charles Peter Vitunac
- Stephen Frederick Voigt
- Richard H. Vura, Jr.
- Joel Alan Waldman
- Addison Erwin Walker
- George J. Wall
- R. Bruce Wallace
- Donald Wills Wallis
- Michael A. Walters
- Arthur Dee Warady
- Martha Curtis Warner
- Thomas A. Warren
- Allan Converse Watkins
- Richard Watson
- Nancy Cayford Wear
- Michael R. Weatherby
- Ronald Lee Weaver
- Peter D. Webster
- Joseph Michael Wehby
- Jeffrey S. Weiner
- Solomon Weiss
- John A. Weiss
- Robert G. Wellon
- Sylvanus Alexander Wells III
- Richard I. Wennet
- George E. Wenz III
- Perry Douglas West
- Thomas Lamont West
- Franklin C. Whigham
- John D. Whitaker
- Bill White
- Clair Fox White
- Clement H. White
- William H. Whitehead III
- William B. Wiley
- Marguerite S. Willis
- Ronald C. Willis
- Thomas Dwight Wilson
- Robert Leonard Wilson
- James Milton Wilson
- Dale Stewart Wilson
- Patricia Ann Wilson
- Sheldon Louis Wind
- Michael James Winer
- Sherra Jones Winesett
- Bruce Edmund Winter
- Curtis Lee Witters
- Victor Hamilton Womack
- Thomas B. Woodward
- Walter J. Wozniak
- Kenneth W. Wright
- Robert T. Wright, Jr.
- Kenneth Paul Wurtenberger
- Susan Wynne
- Leighton D. Yates, Jr.
- Bruce Ira Yegelwel
- Nicholas Yonclas
- George T. Yoss
- Gwynne Alice Young
- William D. Zabel
- Richard Aaron Zacur
- Charles R. Zappala
- Richard Glenn Zellers
- Richard Marshall Zelman
- Leslie H. Zuckerman
- Stephen Martin Zukoff
- Philip Michael Zyne