Brenner leads The Florida Bar Foundation
Brenner leads The Florida Bar Foundation
Orlando attorney Matthew G. Brenner will take office July 1 as president of The Florida Bar Foundation, a statewide charitable organization whose mission is to provide greater access to justice.
Brenner first served on the Foundation’s board in 2008 and has worked on the Development, Finance and Audit, Executive, Nominating, Grant Allocation, and Improvements in the Administration of Justice committees.
Brenner has been with Lowndes, Drosdick, Doster, Kantor & Reed in Orlando for 31 years. He is a graduate of Colgate University, earned his law degree from the College of William & Mary, and practices in the areas of real estate and banking litigation.
Throughout his career, Brenner has donated his time and services to pro bono work. His dedication earned him accolades such as the Legal Aid Society of the Orange County Bar Association’s Judge J.C. “Jake” Stone Distinguished Service Award in 2005, The Florida Bar President’s Pro Bono Service Award for the Ninth Judicial Circuit in 2006, and the Orange County Bar Association William Trickel, Jr., Professionalism Award in 2012.
Brenner is admitted to practice in all three U.S. district courts in Florida; the U.S. Court of Appeals, 11th Circuit; and the U.S. Supreme Court. He is a Florida Bar Foundation fellow.
Other Foundation officers are President-elect Jewel White of Clearwater, First Vice President David Rothman of Miami, Second Vice President Juliette Lippman of Ft. Lauderdale; and Immediate Past President Dominic “Donny” MacKenzie of Jacksonville.
Newly appointed Foundation directors are Michael J. Higer, president-elect of The Florida Bar; Eric M. Sodhi, president of Florida Legal Services; Ft. Lauderdale attorney and former Florida Attorney General Bob Butterworth; and West Palm Beach attorney David Prather.
Reappointed directors are West Palm Beach attorney and Florida Bar Past President Gregory W. Coleman, who was appointed to a three-year term after serving as a designated director; Tampa attorney Paige Greenlee, and Miami attorney Roberto Pardo. Attorney Carl J. Domino of Jupiter was recently appointed to serve the remainder of a three-year term vacated by Erin H. Christy of Sarasota.
The mission of The Florida Bar Foundation ( is to provide greater access to justice. The Florida Bar Foundation is the only fundraising group linking 30 legal aid organizations in Florida to form a comprehensive, statewide legal services delivery system. Other Foundation programs include grants to improve the justice system and loan repayment assistance for attorneys at its legal aid grantee organizations. Principal support for the Foundation’s charitable activities comes from the Interest on Trust Accounts (IOTA) Program implemented by the Florida Supreme Court in 1981. Additional support comes from gifts by Florida attorneys, law firms, corporations, foundations, and from other individuals.