The Florida Bar

Florida Bar News

DuPont petitions for Bar reinstatement

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Pursuant to Rule 3-7.10, Scott C. DuPont has petitioned the Supreme Court for Bar reinstatement.

By an order dated June 25, 2018, DuPont was removed from the bench effective immediately by the Supreme Court. An opinion dated September 6, 2018, detailed the acts of misconduct which formed the basis of the Bar’s case. The court found that DuPont engaged in multiple judicial campaign violations while running for re-election. Based upon information obtained during internet searches, without performing due diligence to corroborate the information, DuPont disseminated defamatory and inaccurate allegations about his opponent and his opponent’s family. DuPont was suspended from practice of law for 91 days effective October 21, 2019.

Any persons having knowledge bearing upon DuPont’s fitness or qualifications to resume the practice of law should contact Kenneth H. P. Bryk, preferably via email, to [email protected], or by U.S. mail to Kenneth H. P. Bryk, Bar Counsel, The Florida Bar Orlando Branch Office, 1000 Legion Place, Suite 1625, Orlando 32801-1050, phone 407-425-5424.

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