FFLA, formerly known as The Florida Bar Foundation, seeks director applicants
FFLA is seeking applicants for seats on its board of directors for terms starting on July 1 under the Florida Supreme Court-approved governance plan.
The plan calls for 18 members of FFLA’s board to be selected in equal portions by the Florida Supreme Court, The Florida Bar Board of Governors, and the FFLA board.
Six of the 18 at-large seats will be filled for three-year terms beginning July 1.
Applications for positions to be filled by the Supreme Court and FFLA can be completed at https://fundingfla.org/fflaboardapp/ . They may also be requested from FFLA, 175 Lookout Place, Suite 100, Maitland 32751, or call 407-960-7006.
Completed applications for these seats must be received by FFLA by February 17.
Anyone interested in serving on FFLA’s Board of Directors is encouraged to visit: https://fundingfla.org/about/ for an overview of FFLA and its mission.
FFLA’s Board of Directors embraces the concept of diversity. A diverse membership makes the board stronger, and more relevant to the society in which we live. FFLA strongly encourages minorities and persons with disabilities to apply for service on the board. To help achieve the broadest participation, FFLA’s “Expense Reimbursement Policy” provides modest reimbursement of reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred during board service for attorney members, and full reimbursement of reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred during board service for public members and members of the judiciary. Applicants will be advised in writing of action taken by the selecting authorities.