The Florida Bar

Florida Bar News

Fiss petitions for Bar reinstatement


Pursuant to Rule 3-7.10, Herbert Walter Fiss, Jr., of Tampa has petitioned the Supreme Court for Bar reinstatement.

Fiss was suspended from practice of law for three years effective May 1, 2020, for Rules 4-1.8 (conflict of interest; prohibited and other transactions); 4-1.15 (safekeeping property); 5-1.1 (trust accounts); and 4-8.4(d) (misconduct).

Any persons having knowledge bearing upon Fiss’ fitness or qualifications to resume the practice of law should contact Christopher Andrew Phillips, Bar Counsel, The Florida Bar
Tampa Branch Office, PO Box 270729, Tampa, FL 33688, 813-875-9821 or send your comments via electronic mail to [email protected] and [email protected] with “Herbert Walter Fiss, Jr.’s Reinstatement” in the subject line.

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