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Florida Supreme Court Historical Society’s magazine looks back on Bush v. Gore

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Historical ReviewThe Florida Supreme Court Historical Society just published the Fall/Winter edition of its magazine, Historical Review, featuring a retrospective on “Bush v. Gore – 20 years ago.”

“Full of historical photos taken at the height of the chaos surrounding the litigation in Florida regarding the 2000 Presidential election, this issue features articles from all perspectives on the Bush v. Gore controversy, including Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Lucy Morgan, Florida State University College of Law Professor Michael T. Morley, and five of the seven justices who were on the Supreme Court of Florida during Bush v. Gore,” said Editor Melanie Kalmanson. “Twenty years later, Bush v. Gore is now more relevant than ever as we face a potential repeat of history with the 2020 Presidential election.”

The FSCHS’s Historical Review may be accessed here.

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