The Florida Bar

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Foreclosure clinic offered to the public

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Foreclosure clinic offered to the public

The Consumer Protection Law Committee — in conjunction with Legal Aid of Palm Beach County — is sponsoring a committee outreach housing help event in conjunction with the Bar’s Annual Convention in Boca Raton.

On June 24 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Boca Raton Community Center, the public is invited to come learn more about the housing crisis, the foreclosure process, how to defend against foreclosures, alternatives to foreclosures such as short sales and loan modifications, and foreclosure-rescue scams, according to Tequisha Myles, a Consumer Protection Law Committee member who works for Legal Aid of Palm Beach County. After the initial presentations, Myles said attendees will be able to meet with pro bono lawyers to ask questions and receive counseling and advice.

“We thought we should do something to share the knowledge and expertise we have with the general public and try to empower them to be able to defend themselves and understand what the foreclosure process is all about,” said Myles, noting that earlier that day the committee is also sponsoring the Presidential Showcase CLE program “Residential Foreclosure Cases: Litigation Issues, Strategies and Skills” for lawyers at the convention from 1-5 p.m.

Myles will moderate the public event, and the presenters include Laura Boeckman, Margery Golant, Hugo Alvarez, and Victoria Butler of the Attorney General’s Office, who is also the incoming chair of the committee.

The committee is getting the word out through the Monday Morning Update, an electronic newsletter that goes to all the local children service councils, the United Way and its grantees, and an ad in the Palm Beach Post. Legal Aid of Palm Beach County will also be distributing fliers to local churches and social service agencies in Boca, Delray Beach, and Boynton Beach.

“A homeowner cannot have enough information to prepare for a foreclosure or to just explore their options,” said Myles, adding, “We want to let the public know there are resources here in town for them that will be here for the duration.”

Lawyers who would like to get involved in the program may contact Myles at (561) 655-8944, ext. 296, or [email protected].

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