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Free vexatious litigation webinar set for December 1

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Florida’s Playbook on Vexatious Litigation: We’re Not Gonna Take It

We're Not Gonna Take It flyerAttorneys are invited to attend a webinar on vexatious litigation on Friday, December 1, from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m.

The webinar – Florida’s Playbook on Vexatious Litigation: We’re Not Gonna Take It – offered by the Henry Latimer Center for Professionalism and The Florida Bar Standing Committee on Professionalism, will provide attorneys with essential knowledge about vexatious litigation and how to effectively handle these challenging cases.

“Often, in litigation, one deals with a difficult opposing party,” according to the course description. “But what happens when that litigant has gone wild and gone too far with non-meritorious litigation, sham pleadings, and the like? Much time, yours and the courts, is wasted along with other valuable resources, and it distracts from the main issues of the case. Handling these types of litigants can be challenging, and the path can be unclear. This course is designed for attorneys to learn about vexatious litigation, the multitude of tools under Florida laws and rules, and best practices for use.”

The webinar will be moderated by Steve Lesser, a construction law attorney with Becker in Ft. Lauderdale. Featured speakers include David Rowland, the 13th Circuit’s general counsel in Tampa; Chardean Hill, a dispute resolution attorney in Brandon and chair of the Bar Standing Committee on Professionalism; Second Circuit Judge Monique Richardson of Tallahassee; Paul Regensdorf, a civil trial and appellate attorney in Palm City who serves on the Bar Civil Procedures Rules Committee; and Ashley Davis, chief deputy general counsel for the Florida Department of State in Tallahassee.

Attorneys can earn two hours of CLE credit for attending the webinar. Registration is free and can be completed online.

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