Goldstein, Buckley, Cechman, Rice & Purtz supports ‘Bark in the Park’ event

Negra representing the ‘Paw-senting sponsor’ Goldstein, Buckley, Cechman, Rice & Purtz.
Gulf Coast Humane Society (GCHS) and “Paw-Senting Sponsor” Goldstein, Buckley, Cechman, Rice & Purtz hosted the second Bark in the Park event on in November at Centennial Park in Ft. Myers.
The event raised $22,500, up from the inaugural year’s total of $14,100, and attracted 165 attendees and 24 vendors.
“We are so thankful to our friends at Goldstein Buckley, Cechman, Rice & Purtz for serving as our Paw-Senting Sponsor of Bark in the Park,” said GCHS Executive Director Darcy Andrade. “Our nonprofit animal shelter, serving Southwest Florida since 1947, relies on the goodwill and support of the community we serve to make our work possible. Events like Bark in the Park highlight the bonds we have with our pets while raising awareness that there are still many animals needing their forever home as well as the importance of access to veterinary care for those already in homes.”
The family- and pet-friendly event for pet enthusiasts featured a one-mile walk in addition to pet resources, vendors, music, photo ops, food trucks, and K-9 demonstrations.
“We are honored to support this event and the Gulf Coast Humane Society,” said Andrea Smith, managing partner for Goldstein, Buckley, Cechman, Rice & Purtz. “One of my own dogs, Boo, was adopted from Gulf Coast Humane Society. He’s a special needs dog, he’s the best and he completes our family. We encourage everyone to support Gulf Coast Humane Society in any way that you can.”