The Florida Bar

Florida Bar News

Hudgins joins the Board of Governors as a public member

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Joseph “Jody” HudginsJoseph “Jody” Hudgins, a banker from Sarasota, will join The Florida Bar Board of Governors as a public member.

Hudgins, who was appointed by the Supreme Court May 1, will be sworn in June 28 at the Bar’s Annual Convention in Boca Raton for a two-year term. He is replacing public member Lawrence W. Tyree, the retired president of Florida Keys Community College in Key West, whose second two-year term expires in June.

Hudgins is senior executive vice president and chief credit officer for First Florida Integrity Bank in Naples. He has also been an instructor at the Florida School of Banking at the University of Florida for 24 years and an instructor at the Graduate School of Banking at Louisiana State University for 12 years, currently serving as president of the school.

Hudgins said he wanted to serve on the Board of Governors to assist with “interpretation from a lay perspective” how Bar matters might be viewed by a business person.

“Having been a banker my entire working career, the majority of which as a senior executive, I’ve had numerous opportunities to engage in and consult with the technical matters in litigation,” Hudgins wrote in his application. “I’ve always respected the work and thought that goes into strategies for plaintiffs and defendants. My experience of having been involved in these transactions has given me a keen insight into proper professional and ethical behavior.”

Hudgins is a past chair of the Housing Authority of the City of Sarasota, the Sarasota Salvation Army, the Sarasota Planning Commission, the City of Sarasota Police Pension Board, and is currently parliamentarian of the Sarasota County Charter Review Board

Hudgins has a B.A. in mathematics from Carson-Newman University and is a graduate of the Graduate School of Retail Bank Management at the University of Virginia. Hudgins and his wife, Lisa, have two adult children. He has run 38 marathons, enjoys hiking the Appalachian Trail, and riding his motorcycle in the Great Smoky Mountains.

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