Latest Historical Review magazine celebrates 50th anniversary of the Office of the State Courts Administrator
The Spring/Summer 2022 edition of the Historical Review, a publication of the Florida Supreme Court Historical Society, features articles celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Florida Office of the State Courts Administrator (OSCA).
The issue also highlights recent investiture ceremonies of the Supreme Court’s newest justices and a new chief justice and highlights the historical society’s “A Supreme Evening 2022” and recipients of the Society’s Susan Rosenblatt Lifetime Achievement Award.
Articles include:
Welcomes by Historical Review Editor Melanie Kalmanson and from Society President Scott R. Rost open the themed issue that celebrates and chronicles the Florida Office of the State Courts Administrator. President Rost also discusses the Historical Society’s annual event held in April 2022 and its connection to the motto on the Supreme Court seal: Sat Cito Si Recte.
“Message from the Chief Justice: Celebrating OSCA” by former Chief Justice Charles T. Canady is a tribute to OSCA’s staff leadership and accomplishments, particularly by Elisabeth H. Kiel, who served as administrator 2003-2014 and 2019-2021, and current administrator Alison Sackett.
“OSCA’s Transformation from Just an Idea to Serving a Critical Role for Florida’s Courts” by Society Trustee Patsy Palmer, with contributions from OSCA’s Debbie Howells, traces the half century of Florida’s modern and well-managed court system after voters approved sweeping Article V reforms in 1972 and the concept of OSCA was initiated for a centralized administration.
“Past Chief Justices Reflect on OSCA’s Influence During Their Tenure” features remarks from former Chief Justices Rosemary Barkett, Harry Lee Anstead, Barbara J. Pariente, Peggy Quince, Ricky Polston, and Jorge Labarga about how OSCA supported each during terms as chief justice.
“OSCA From the Inside: Unit Descriptions” by Josie Follick covers the functions of each unit in OSCA and the names of the unit leaders. OSCA’s units are Alternative Dispute Resolution; Court Services; Resource Planning & Support Services; Office of Information (Technology); General Services; General Counsel; Family Courts; Legislative Affairs; Problem Solving Courts; Innovations & Outreach; Finance & Accounting; Court Education; Communications & Public Information; Human Resources; and Budget Services.
“Florida’s State Courts Administrators: 1972-2022” by Josie Follick profiles the eight people who have served as State Courts Administrator since OSCA was founded and who worked closely with the chief justices to build and lead the office that ensures the smooth operation of our state courts.
“The Impact of Revision 7 on Funding State Courts” by Dr. Steven R. Maxwell, a Society Trustee, details the challenges of implementing the 1998 constitutional amendment to relieve local governments’ costs to subsidize the trial courts and to ensure equity in state court funding across each county.
“Justice Muñiz to Serve as the Next Chief Justice” profiles Carlos G. Muñiz who joined the Court in 2019 and now is serving a two-year term as the leader of the branch.
“The Investiture of the Honorable John D. Couriel,” by Bailey Howard, and “The Investiture of the Honorable Jamie R. Grosshans”, by Sophia Akel and David Melito, highlight the recent investiture ceremonies of the most recent additions to the court and include photo galleries from the ceremonies.
“Sat Cito Si Recte: A Supreme Evening 2002” is followed by “Historical Society’s Lifetime Achievement Award Renamed to Honor Longtime Trustee” and “Justice Major B. Harding Honored for a Lifetime of Achievement” reprinted from The Florida Bar News). All cover the events of the society’s first in-person event since 2020, which featured keynote speaker Texas Chief Justice Nathan L. Hecht.
The Historical Review is sponsored by the more than 800 members of the Florida Supreme Court Historical Society. This entire issue and past editions are online.
For more information and to become a member of the Society, visit