The Florida Bar

Florida Bar News

May 1, 2023 On the Move

On the Move

Elizabeth C. King joined Pamela R. Masters — The Collaborative Divorce Center in Daytona Beach as a partner.

Carolina Varela, Joseph O’Brien, and Ana Kauffmann joined Berger Singerman. Robbie Landon, Ruth Vafek, Gia Abreu O’Connor, and Michel Debolt joined Berger Singerman as partners and Carlos Julca as of counsel. O’Connor, Julca, Landon, Kauffmann, Varela, and O’Brien in Miami. Vafek in Tallahassee. Debolt in Ft. Lauderdale.

Madeline “Maddie” Salamone joined Syprett Meshad in Sarasota.

Chelsea Hunter joined Quarles & Brady in Naples.

Shaun Ramey was named co-chair of the financial services litigation practice group at McGlinchey Stafford.

Robert C. Graham joined Burr & Forman in Jacksonville as counsel.

Christopher Hood and Michael Litrenta joined Hall Booth Smith in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Melissa Madrigal joined Morrison Cohen in Miami as a partner.

Michael S. Dawkins and Daniel Saathoff joined Winderweedle, Haines, Ward & Woodman in Orlando. Dawkins as a partner.

Rebecca Bramble, Allison Couri, Lawrence Held, and Melissa Shafer joined Hitchcock Law Group in Clearwater.

Sam Danon became managing partner at Hunton Andrews Kurth and Wally Martinez transitioned to chief growth officer.

Susan Cole, Melanie Chung-Tims, and Amanda Cachaldora joined MG+M The Law Firm in Miami as partners.

Jerry Lee Hanbery joined McDonald Toole Wiggins as of counsel attorney.

Jonathan E. Groth joined DGIM Law in Miami as a partner.

Jeffrey G. Regenstreif, Daniel C. Horn, and Andrew J. Hensch joined Taylor Day Law.

Carina M. Leeson joined Family Complex Litigation and Collaborative Group (FCLC Group) in Orlando.

Jacqueline Johnson and Miranda Weiss joined Dean Mead in their newest location in Naples.

Nicole Marginian Swartz joined Mattamy Homes as general counsel.

Brad Bondi joined Paul Hastings in Washington, D.C., as a partner and global co-chair of the investigations and white-collar defense practice.

Gregory A. Hayes was named managing partner at Day Pitney.

Caitlin A. Lewis joined Lacey Lyons Rezanka in Melbourne.

Jabari Caldwell and Ashley Genoese joined GrayRobinson. Caldwell in Boca Raton. Genoese in West Palm Beach.

Kara Hilt-Mead joined Goldberg Segalla in Orlando.

John Dorris and Christopher Smith joined Rebecca L. Palmer Law Group. Smith joined as of counsel.

Brian D. Kennedy joined Shutts & Bowen in West Palm Beach as a partner.

Brenda F. Pagliaro joined MediationWorks.

David M. Choo joined Goldberg Segalla in Orlando.

Matthew Duggan joined Carver Darden in Pensacola.

Gregory L. Mayback formed Mayback IP Law, P.A., in Hollywood.

Arvin Jaffe has joined Weiss Serota Helfman Cole + Bierman in Boca Raton as a partner.

Brianna Drummond joined Carver Dardenin in Pensacola as an associate.

Andrej Micovic has become a partner with Hunton Andrews Kurth in Miami.

Caroline Zapiec and Aaron Clemens have joined Romano Law Group as associates in West Palm Beach.

Libbie Reese and J. Matthew Hill have become partners with Alvarez, Winthrop, Thompson & Smoak.

Amy W. Schrader of Tallahassee and Aldo M. Leiva of Ft. Lauderdale have become shareholders with Baker Donelson.

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